The Whole Shebang

48. Synchronicities and Manifestation Made Simple

July 08, 2024 Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 48

You might not like what I'm about to say... but loves, you won't find the key to your greatest manifested dreams, in weighing out the pro's and con's on a checklist. Is there a place for that? Of course. But it's not the secret to unlocking a more synchronicitic life. What I'm sharing today is from lived experience AND from a crap ton of reading and learning. Here’s where you might like what I have to say, it’s much more simple than you'd think. Tune in for the easiest steps to manifesting that I wish I would have understood and embodied years ago.

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Speaker 1:

My name is Jen Briggs and welcome to the whole shebang where, on Mondays, you get what else but a mini bang. These short episodes are really meant to meet you where you're at, to help you set an intention or focus for the week, to consider a perspective that maybe you haven't before, and to answer the most common questions that not only propelled my personal and professional growth, but the best of the best I see around me. This is where we unbecome shedding the layers and the old ways that aren't serving us anymore, and where we continue becoming, stepping into and magnifying more of who you really are and who you're meant to be. So buckle up buttercups. We're diving in. Buckle up buttercups, we're diving in In a world where manifestation is quite the buzzword right now.

Speaker 1:

I don't even hate that. I think that I wonder if magic is our birthright. I wonder if this idea that heaven is on earth, that we are living, we are living, breathing examples of the ability to co-create with the universe source, god, spirit, to create an experience that is heaven on earth. And so today I want to talk about the most simplest form or simplest path to manifestation, to experience synchronicities and serendipity in everyday life, and I'm sharing this from my experience, which is so fun. I've been reading so much over the last five years and listening to podcasts, and I finally put together a folder of bookmarks on my laptop with all of the online courses I've taken. I should count them, hold, please. I'm actually going to count them. Okay, so I just counted them and I have 13 online courses that I've taken over the last few years, in addition to dozens of books and podcasts and all these ways that I've taken in knowledge distilled down to what I would call embodiment and coming back to a source of wisdom that is not found in our mind but that is found in our body.

Speaker 1:

I heard somebody recently say that we can't solve the mind's problems with the mind, and that makes a lot of sense to me. Pun not intended that if our mind is spinning and we're trying to find the way, we're trying to manifest a new reality or a new partnership or a new job through our mind, that that is a form of lunacy, to jump on a hamster wheel and spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, when the truth is, I'm coming to believe and experience myself the way to quote unquote fix the mind's problems is actually through the body, and we can do that a lot of different ways. There are all kinds of modalities. There's breath work, there's any kind of movement, moving energy, whether it's lifting weights or yoga or running or sex. There's lots of ways that we can get into our body and get out of our minds.

Speaker 1:

But this little tactic that I want to share with you today is the simplest one that I've been practicing over the last, like pretty diligently over the last year, and then over the last like pretty diligently over the last year, and then I'm getting very. I'm practicing it now in a much, um, a micro level, and this serendipitous synchronistic experiences I'm having are freaking wild. So here's the trick. So this idea is that we do the thing that feels a little bit more exciting If, if, at any point throughout I'm going to talk on a micro level throughout the day you have a choice to go this way or to go that way, to eat this or to that, to do that, to um. I'll share an example for me in just a second of like I could do this thing or I could do this thing, and then I sit for a moment and ask myself what is the thing that feels? Just if it's not even like wow, this thing feels way more amazing. It's like, even if it's just a little bit, what's the thing? That kind of that my energy moved towards that feels a little bit more exciting, a little bit more full, a little bit more like, yeah, let's do that thing. And so I've.

Speaker 1:

You know that, as you know, if you've listened to any of these episodes, is what led me to launch this podcast. It's what led me down the path of the masculine, feminine, it's. It's what's led me to eat peaches over the last week and the latest current example was yesterday I had an invitation from a dear friend to go to a cabin and ride on a boat, and that sounded amazing and my day kind of got away from me and I was holding that option in one hand and the other option was to go sit poolside and like read a book. And it was getting later for me I'm old right, so it's like three in the afternoon. I'm like by the time I get to the lake it's going to be late and I could do it and it kind of seems fun, but you know what, the pool is kind of calling me and I'm just going to get takeout, and so I decided to go sit pool side and I've now last week.

Speaker 1:

This course I'm taking is how to uplevel this podcast. Youtube is going to be my next launch. I'm really going to uplevel my my video side of things. And so, um, I sit down poolside and end up talking to two gentlemen for I don't know two and a half hours, and one of them maybe he's even listening. I don't know if you're listening right now, but, um, one of them is like a major picture film producer is launching his own podcast. We got to talking about that and um just had a really great conversation. It felt very synchronistic. He had some good insights and who knows where that. That will go Right, but this is part of it that I want to pause and talk about it for a second.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's not. It's not like I went to the pool and somebody offered me a million dollars to for my podcast, or you know, like you can't always see how these pieces are coming together, but you can see that they are synchronistic oftentimes. And sometimes we can look back 10 years and go oh, I understand now why I had this fascination about producing events or why I had this fascination at my last job about really diving in and asking good questions in my recruiting appointments. I didn't view them as recruiting appointments. I've I viewed them as an opportunity to relate on a deep level, on a human level, and now I can see the serendipity, the synchronicity and how that's playing out with what I'm doing now. So that's just one small example, but literally every day I'm having these moments where I'm seeing stars align and I'm going to share with you.

Speaker 1:

I actually just Googled the definition of serendipity and synchronicity and I'm going to share those with you. So the definition by Oxford language uh, is it Oxford language? Yeah, oxford languages for serendipity is the occurrence and development. So the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way, ie a fortunate stroke of serendipity. So just like happy chance, happy accident is what they say. Serendipity is Now synchronicity.

Speaker 1:

The definition here is the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. So like how on earth did I just have the conversation about this thing that is not common with this person? And then I saw this post on Instagram and then I met another quote, supposedly random person who happened to be in that field. Like that's synchronicity when you're like Whoa. It feels like there is no related evidence. There's no way that those things could have been related. They seem too staged to sort of be unrelated. But they are, except for they're not. I think they're extremely related and I'll get to that in a second.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to read the definition of manifestation now and I'm going to go like I looked up. You know you can manifest a symptom to an ailment and that's not what we're talking about here. So manifestations origins are actually in religion and spirituality, because if something spiritual becomes real, it is said to be a manifestation. Now, whether you I'm guessing if you're listening to this you probably identify with some form of spirituality, and that's where I'm finding myself. Gravitating back towards is that I and I do think spirituality and science are actually very related.

Speaker 1:

So when I think about synchronicity and serendipity and manifesting something into my life that I can see in a spiritual sense, or that I desire to have sense or that I desire to have, it's almost like in my mind's eye I picture all these little like, almost like stardust, like magnet. Have you put a magnet? What is it? Those little like red magnet drawing boards and what's inside of it? I should Etch-a-Sketch is what it's called. I should have Googled this but it's just coming to me now. But when you put a magnet on there and you see all the little filaments of what is it lead I don't even know what's inside of there that gets drawn towards the magnet. That's almost what these synchronicities feel like to me. If I am the magnet, if I have a vision or a desire, and each day I wake up going, what is the thing that that raises my vibration, that just feels a little bit more exciting. It feels to me like I'm pulling these little, you know figments of pieces towards me that are creating the reality. They're creating the picture. They're on the etch-a-sketch because it's pulled towards the magnet, if that makes some sense to you.

Speaker 1:

And if we go on a broader scale, I have an episode somewhere in here about the fact that we are an ecosystem. We are a part of an ecosystem. We are a part of nature. Ecosystem, we are part of nature. Nature doesn't have to force itself to have leaves every season and shed leaves on trees. Things happen very naturally because that is nature and we are an organism within the natural ecosystem. So it is in our nature to live in flow and live in a state of abundance, meaning that everything we need is supplied for us. Everything we need right now we have here, just like nature has what it needs now and is continuing to manifest fruit as a result of it getting what it needs. It's this give and take, this reciprocity. So I've gone on a little bit of a rabbit trail, which is no surprise, but it is always all interconnected to me.

Speaker 1:

And so if you're like, how do I manifest? I don't have the perfect formula for you, but I will say, if I was going to start anywhere, I would start with two things that work very closely in tandem. One, it's start to tune into what gives you just a little bit more excitement. So if like, how that is going to lead to your manifestation will become clear. When it becomes clear, it might be a manifestation of a beautiful day. Maybe it's not your life's work, but maybe it is. The way to know what is exciting to us is to be in tune with our body. So we can list out the pros and cons of why I should go here and not there. But that's not what I'm talking about. That is trying to solve the mind's problems with the mind.

Speaker 1:

So it comes back to starting to, in very subtle ways, pay attention to the cues that are in your body. Don't discount the goosebumps and the feeling in your stomach and the hairs on the back of your neck rising, or just where your energy, literally where you're like oh, I just feel like I'm just want to kind of move towards this thing. You don't need to overthink it, you don't need to second guess it, and then I would say treat this lightly, have fun with it, experiment with it, just go about your day going look, I don't have anything to lose Like, yeah, I feel like I want to go to Target first instead of the grocery store and just like, pay attention to little cues and experiment with it and just see what happens. That is how you start to learn the language of your body. Learn the language that your body speaks. Um, because you might realize, oh, that was just my stomach growling, I'm hungry. That wasn't my intuition.

Speaker 1:

But if you're out of tune with your body, it's going to take some time to learn to listen to the language that your body is speaking and over time, those subtle cues will become so, so clear to you and you'll start to pull in these pieces of little stardust that will create your reality.

Speaker 1:

It's wild, you guys, and I cannot wait to share more with you about what is manifesting in my life right now and how that's showing up.

Speaker 1:

And, um, one of the one of the messages that is continuing to be very clear with me right now is that my opportunity is to be really generous on this podcast, as generous I can be with the things that I'm learning, and to trust that the universe will provide for me everything I need, as I give that with no attachment to the outcome, because, again, I don't know where this is going for me, but this is my current channel of giving and receiving, and so we're on this journey together. So this week, my invitation to you is to tune in to what gives you just a little bit more excitement and, whether it's micro decisions or macro decisions, to follow that throughout your day, throughout the week, and see where it leads you. And gosh, you guys, I would love to hear from you. If you have some fun things happening and coming up and things that are enlightening for you, share it with me. I would love. I would love to hear some of your stories. All right, have a banging day. Bye.

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