The Whole Shebang

47. Human Design: Astrology Meets Personality Inventory with Maggie Hilpisch

June 27, 2024 Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 47

Raise your hand if you’ve ever asked the Universe for a sign? How about if you felt like life wasn’t making sense, or you weren’t sure of the path to take?  Yeah, me too. Or maybe you wondered why things felt SOO difficult and disjointed? Yup. I’m right there with you.  

What would you do if you discovered a tool that could transform your understanding of yourself and your interactions?  We're often seeking answers and understanding from all kinds of sources … Personality inventories, friends’ insight, psychics, astrology, tarot cards, prayer, holy books. They’re all legitimate and I believe Source speaks through it all, to communicate in ways that we can hear and understand. 

Today, my friend Maggie Hilpisch, explains how Human Design has been a powerful tool and framework for her personal transformation, and now how she uses it to support and guide others in their transformation. 

Enjoy, Lovers 

xx - Jen

PS - Before you start - you might enjoy looking up your unique Human Design Chart. At , you can look your chart up, and if you’re ready to dive deeper book a 1-1 reading session! Also, give Maggie a follow on IG: @maggiehilpisch

Quick personal plug - Human Design helped change my life trajectory and bring clarity in my decision making. Maggie has done readings for me and some of my friends. She's a gem, and you’re going to love how Maggie brings it to life for you. 

Join me in this container of sisterhood where I’ll guide and coach you back to the inner radiance and power of your Feminine. The modules include: 

  • The foundations of the Feminine
  • Rediscover your Essence, Desire, & Dreams
  • Intuitive Power
  • Shed the Old, Make Room for the New
  • Magnetize, Receive, Create
  • Divine Body, Divine Pleasure

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Speaker 1:

I deeply care about connecting with other people and helping them see their gifts and their genius, and what I have found through human design is a language that allows me to do that. It gives a language and a tool that has opened that dialogue and has really helped and transformed people's lives, and so I can't not be passionate about it, and that has been really empowering.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Whole Shebang. I'm Jen Briggs, your host. Let me tell you what you're in for here. Many of us have been running at breakneck speed, functioning mostly in our heads, and we've suffered from disconnection, burnout and lost passions. I believe it's because we functioned in part and not in whole. So we're exploring a new path, embracing intuition, creativity, playfulness and connection in all of life. It's vibrant, powerful and magnetic. So come on with me and buckle up buttercups. We're diving in All right loves. Let me give you the scoop on what you're going to get.

Speaker 2:

Today I sat down to chat with, can I say, my new friend Maggie, because it feels like, yes, we already set a date to hang out, which I'm so excited about, and I feel like you will feel this energy from her too. She is such a gem, so beautiful inside out, beautiful. She is a human design guide and facilitator. She's a mother to three young boys, a lifelong explorer of the big, unanswerable questions of life. She loves to bring the divine into the everyday and is on a mission to help others come home to themselves through human design. So what started as a hobby for her, she really dove into and began doing readings for her friends and family and now it's blossomed into her life's work passion. She absolutely makes it super accessible and I had the opportunity to have a reading with her and she like sees into your soul in the most nurturing, supportive way that one could experience. In my opinion. It's really beautiful. So if you don't know what human design is, you can Google it, but also in the show notes you might even want to just like pause before you dive in.

Speaker 2:

I'm including some links that Maggie's provided on where you can look up your unique design and chart. It's based in astrology, but it's a much more accessible tool. It might be fun for you to pull that now and then have that in front of you as you listen to the episode or just kind of have it in your mind's eye if you're driving or something. Obviously don't do it while you're driving, but she's going to share some really valuable insights for different aspects of what might lie in your chart. That literally for me, some of the base level things in my chart are what completely changed my life, and it sounds dramatic. And then she actually says that in this episode that it really changed her life and and working with how she's designed rather than working against it. And so I could go on and on about what you're going to take from this. Just trust me, you're going to want to listen, you're going to want to look up your profile and it's going to be amazing. All right, buckle up my loves and my buttercups and enjoy, maybe.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad you're here. Oh, I'm so happy to be here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we're going to talk about all kinds of things, so let's start with what human design is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's human design? The way I like to describe it is that it's a self-awareness tool self-awareness tool or self-awareness system that helps you better understand yourself, how your energy moves, how you make decisions, how you learn, how you interact with other people. And so if I'm in an elevator with someone, I'm going to say it's like the most detailed personality test you've ever taken, but it's based solely off of your birth information. So it's quite unconventional, and I say that a lot because of the spaces I exist in.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's good high level. Can you pull back and talk about how you discovered human design, what the journey has been for you with this tool?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like to say that I've always had one foot in the ground and one in the clouds.

Speaker 1:

So I did everything I was supposed to do. Right, I'm using air quotes. I got the good grades and went to college and got the good job. I started in financial services and I was doing everything I thought I was supposed to be doing, but there was always this thread pulling me towards practices like mindfulness, meditation, yoga. So I ended up becoming a yoga teacher and that kind of set me down this path where I lived, these parallel lives and human design. I found it through just being in that world. I found it years and years ago, pulled my chart and then immediately set it down and didn't look at it again for years, because it's like learning a new language.

Speaker 2:

Was it overwhelming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or was there something in you that was like I can't receive this?

Speaker 1:

right now. I think both. I think it wasn't probably the right time for me to dive in, but I was so confused and at the time I found it, the information wasn't as readily accessible as it is today. You know, you can go on Instagram and deep dive for hours now with really digestible content. So I sat it down and I hit this point in 2018 where I, man, I had like kind of my quarter I'll call it my quarter life crisis, my like moment on the floor. You know I had my first panic attack.

Speaker 2:

Is this called the Saturn return? Is that what it is?

Speaker 1:

It was probably right around gosh. I was probably right in that midst Yep. It was probably right around Saturn return, maybe coming out of it, and I had this moment of what am I doing? And so, as I started to unpack that experience and make some changes in my life, human design came back in and I had just become a mom. It was right before COVID and I decided to look my chart up again, and that was it. It was time for me to find that information and I haven't looked back and it's been four and a half years.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you are working in the real estate industry I am, which is interesting, so I had a friend, so okay, so how we're connected.

Speaker 2:

I had a friend say you have to meet Maggie. You need to have her read your human design chart. Just trust me, paige, I'm just going to name her. She's like a great connector with stuff like this. And so I'm like, well, where, what's, what's Maggie's deal? She works? She works for a real estate company doing human design readings. And I'm like, well, what's Maggie's deal? She works for a real estate company doing human design readings. And I'm like, wait, what Like? Do they know that this is woo? So we talked a little bit about that before we hit record. But tell me how you're integrating what I would describe it as woo, but also it feels so grounded.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, so, anyways, you're incorporating it in a corporate-ish setting. How is that working?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's working very well, but the path to get there is an interesting one, and so I'd been working for a real estate company on staff not selling on and off since like 2016. So I like to preface that because there was a level of trust built up by the time I pitched bringing human design into the fold.

Speaker 1:

So I was deep diving into human design. I got pregnant for the second time with a set of twins. So I took a year and a half off when they were born just to figure out what the heck was going on with their life with three babies. But I was also really deep into my human design study at that point and I knew, if I was going to come back to work, that I had to have human design in my life in some way, and so I pitched the idea to the owners of the company that I work for and I said let's just try it. This is very unconventional. It is going to ask people to be really open-minded. It is absolutely woo. I mean. So human design works off of your birth information. I think I said that. But there's so much benefit to it and there is a lot of really tangible tactical tools that you leave with when you have your chart read, and so I thought let's just try it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, wait, I just because, like, yes, you had a level of trust built. I don't know that this was true for you, if I'm in your shoes, and I think I've kind of been in your shoes in a different way right, where I, as I started to kind of delve into this divine feminine stuff and I was bringing these sort of concepts or ways of leadership that were more vulnerable, more connected, more playful, more open, in a pretty visible position in a corporate setting. It took courage and I don't mean that as like a shine a light on me, but it's not easy to say, hey, I know this is really unconventional and I see the benefit and I think we need to go there and, like, on a macro level, this is so much of what's encouraging to me because I'm like she's rising you know.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for saying that, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you I do feel like I have often.

Speaker 1:

You know I have massive people pleasing tendencies.

Speaker 1:

I have been quite submissive, I would say, in my life which is a lot of work that I'm unpacking now, and have been, but there was something about human design that put me on a bit of a soapbox, where I've and I have felt this way really for the last four and a half years, where it's worth it to me to put myself out there because I know the benefit is so great for whoever needs to receive it.

Speaker 1:

Where does the knowing come from? Not from my conscious mind and not from my ego and not from a place that I could probably describe. It's definitely source spirit, something deeper within me, because I really feel like this is absolutely part of my purpose and what I'm here to do, and I deeply care about connecting with other people and helping them see their gifts and their genius, and what I have found through human design is a language that allows me to do that. It gives a language and a tool that has opened that dialogue and has really helped and transformed people's lives, and so I can't not be passionate about it and that has been really empowering.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like the way you put that, like I can identify with that. I think just this, like I can't not do this, and I don't know that I've felt that in my life this way until now, where I was like I can't not, I can't not do this, um, which is kind of a wild feeling and it's it's so cool to just see it in other people, other women, that are like I can't not do this and what that's birthing, so okay. So I paused you just to come back to your story of what your experience in the setting has been. So you're like okay, I'm going to pitch this unconventional thing.

Speaker 2:

They said yes, and then tell me more of what happened with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I will say I'm going to give credit to the owners of the company that I work with because they were open-minded enough to explore this. But what we started with was a session for each of them. I said let me just sit you down and we did it together because they know each other so well. And I said if after this session you're not bought in, then we will drop this. But if after this session, you think there's something here or I've touched a nerve or I have resonated with you in some way, then let's give this a shot.

Speaker 1:

And that's exactly what we did, and one of them was taking copious notes throughout, and I think I surprised them both, I think I really surprised them both, and so at that point it was let's just try it, and I think the numbers spoke for themselves and just the response, and it did, of course, take a little time. Right, we had early, like anything, you're going to have early adopters and you're going to have your skeptics and then you're going to have those who will never do it. But we have 80% adoption rate at the company now of people who have done at least one session, and we have people of all walks of life, of all belief systems, of all experience levels. We have top producers all the way, know, new to the industry, advisors who are taking advantage of it.

Speaker 1:

So it has resonated, I would say on a, on a wider scale.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you said you were booked out. You told me how far were you booked out?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, we launched them um two years ago in like September I think, and um I I ended up spending like the first four months in session. I think I was doing like six to seven a week um, which were hour long one-on-one sessions. Uh or if there's a team, they can do a team session.

Speaker 1:

So I was yeah, it was probably at least seven or so hours out of my day just in session or out of my week Um, which felt like a lot, and by December I think most of the company had done at least one session.

Speaker 2:

So what did you see? Okay, well, okay. So this is a tool to help people become more aware of themselves, of their, what their, challenges, their gifts, their how would you describe?

Speaker 1:

it? Yeah, absolutely. I think. First of all, understanding how your energy is felt and presented to the world, because this is such an interactive business. This is a people-based business. Knowing how people receive you is one thing. Your learning styles, your decision-making styles I mean some of us are primed to make split-second, in-the-moment decisions. That's both of us.

Speaker 1:

Other people need time and space. There's clarity that comes over time and then there are more. You know, other people have to really talk things out and hear themselves speak their truth, and so they need to have spaces where they can do that. I mean we can get that granular. But then there are others who do really well with strangers and so big networking groups or, you know, sitting next to somebody at the airport bar and striking up a conversation, or sitting next to the person on the plane, that's going to be a great way for you to prospect where others you know they're really concerned with their intimate network and so making sure that you're having those coffee dates and those meetings and you're really nurturing that sphere in that way.

Speaker 1:

I'm really sticking with real estate because that feels so tangible, but we could get as granular as how do you prospect and how do you grow your business and if you hate open houses, well, maybe there's a couple of reasons in the chart why. Maybe there's a limiting belief we can unpack, but maybe that's just not the best approach for you and we can put that resource.

Speaker 2:

It's just so wild, it seems so obvious, but all of the ways that we're wired, the ways that we are, apply to every area of life, and when you can take the knowledge, whether it's woo or it's not, and apply it to your work, obviously that's a really unlocking thing, I think, one of the things that I was reflecting on this morning. I had a psychic reading a few days ago, which was so fun.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to throw it out there. Yes, love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I've been asking myself why is it that we are so curious about? Because I just had another woman she's in a totally different real estate company, she's well-known nationally and she just kind of said hey guys, I've been keeping a secret, I'm clairvoyant and I'm going to coach real estate agents and use this gifting. And I was like whoa, wow, amazing, yeah. And so it got me thinking and she was just booked like that, similar to your experience. It's a, it's a different gift, it's a different tool. Um, and I think it's a, similar people come to it, I think, from a similar place of like, help, right, like or or, like a very deep curiosity. And what is that about? What would you say to that?

Speaker 1:

I think people are seeking meaning and purpose in their lives and I think you know we've been conditioned to this way of living, at least here, you know, in the United States, and if you're lucky enough to have food, shelter, water and have some sort of a choice in your career, we've been bought into this story that this kind of lifestyle is going to lead to happiness or fulfillment. And I think people are unhappy and unfulfilled and I can say that from personal experience, as you know, as I've been really kind of navigating my life over the last few years and what it means, and I think they're tired of surface level and I really think people are looking for, yeah, meaning, purpose and a deeper connection.

Speaker 2:

And can I add joy to that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's add some fun. Yeah, it doesn't have to be so heavy and in-depth.

Speaker 2:

No, but yeah, I think that's so true, I think, uh. So I stumbled into human design. I think it was during COVID. My one of my best friends at the time was like hey, what's your human design? And I'm like what's human design? Like.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

And so she, you know, typed in my birthday and my time and whatever. And she was like, okay, you're a generator. And so she read back to me what that means, which you can do a better job explaining than I can. But basically like, and when I do things that light me up, it generates energy that that lights other people up, Is that how you would describe it. That's such a great way to describe it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean generators. So there are there. I always say there are four types and a cool cousin in human design.

Speaker 1:

There's a hot debate in human design on whether there's five types or four types, and we could definitely get into that. But the generator you are literally generating life and the biggest thing for a generator to know is that when you follow the breadcrumbs and the threads that are giving you energy, everyone in your world benefits Everyone which is like a really wild like at first, especially with my upbringing, which was more religious to sort of say that we're here to be on purpose for other people, which I do think we are.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's a part of our connection and our evolution and in universally, it's like we're here for one another because we live in an ecosystem together. But I actually just was saying this recently that but if I'm living from the outside in thinking about, well, how can I serve people rather than starting from the center and going what's lighting me up, and then how can I use that to serve people? It doesn't serve the dual purpose that life is serving for me now, which is like frick yeah, this feels so good to do things that feel so good, but that was such a huge unlock for me. Just the one thing from human design, and that's how I started down the path of the feminine, masculine and polarity and it has been one thing leading to the other and now I have mermaids.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been four years and you've one thing leading to the other, and now I have mermaids.

Speaker 2:

It's been four years and it's led me to the mermaid it is.

Speaker 1:

It's wild though, I mean, I think generators and manifesting generators. You're here to know thyself. You are here to know yourself. You have to know what your body is telling you, what lights you up and by lighting up, I mean, it is about what brings you joy but sometimes you're entering into an experience that you know is going to be really freaking, painful and hard, but your energy is directing you there. So I do like to caveat that, that it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. And your body is speaking to you, yes, and you have no idea what's going to be unlocked on the other side. And you have no idea what's going to be unlocked on the other side, and you have no idea who's going to benefit and what kind of impact you're going to create, the more you really trust and know and understand and love yourself. Know thyself, love thyself right. That is the beginning piece and the foundational piece for generators and manifesting generators, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Is this a good time to talk about the four types and the cool cousin? The cool cousin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can break that down.

Speaker 1:

So I like to think about human design as like this. I don't know why I always use this analogy, but it's like a layer cake, right? There's all these different layers that you can unpack, and the one that is most prominent, like the frosting on the cake, is the types, and that's probably going to be the thing you see when you Google first. And so there are generators. There are manifesting generators, which they share so many qualities of the generator that originally they were one. But manifesting generators are quite unique and they carry a pretty different frequency, so I like to think of them as separate. Those two together make up about 70% of the population, so you're in really good company. And then there are projectors, which are about 20% of the population. That's what I am. Manifestors about 10% of the population. And then our rare reflectors are about 1% of the population.

Speaker 2:

So what are projectors and reflectors?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, would it be helpful to just go through?

Speaker 2:

these real quick.

Speaker 1:

So generators we talked about are the I think I call them the cosmic builders and creators. I think you are here to build and create beauty and art and a life that you know feels so satisfying to you, whatever that means for where your energy takes you. Manifesting generators something similar, but they're more innovative. They may break the mold of things. They tend to be multi-passionate. They may move at a quicker pace and then have to come back and retrace some steps. Projectors they're here to be the guides. They're the guides and the seers. So where the generators and the manifesting generators are really here to know thyself, projectors are here to know and see others, and so I think we get into the trap of trying to understand ourselves so much, where our energy really is meant to be directed outward, towards other people, um, and helping them see themselves in a new way.

Speaker 2:

Does that show up in like if you were to put vocations to that? Is that like teacher? So like yeah, great question.

Speaker 1:

I know some amazing projectors who are teachers, therapists, human design guides, astrologers. I have some amazing astrologer friends who are projectors Really any profession where you're really helping the other unpack and see themselves Cool. Okay, thank you. And then manifestors they're our initiators and our fire starters. They are the ones they are powerful and they are the ones who, when they see it, they can make it happen right. They're the visionaries. They're the ones who are paving really new territory for us, and it's amazing to watch manifestors work, but they are quite self-contained in that. You know, their aura is what we call. It sounds so terrible repelling. It's meant to be a protective mechanism for them because they're taking us into new territories. They really need to be protective of whose energy they're letting in and they're really not here to ask for permission. And just being lucky enough to be in a manifestor's presence is going to initiate you into some sort of action. Wow, that is so cool. Yeah, manifestors are amazing.

Speaker 1:

See, this is why I'm like, if you're listening to this right now, there's no way, people aren't going to go Google like what am I?

Speaker 2:

Because I'm like, yeah, and I wonder if you're a manifester and you don't, maybe you've seen this. If you're a manifester and you don't know that you are and you're experiencing people being, do they? Experience people feeling repelled from them because they're protective of their nature? Yeah, do they experience people feeling repelled from them because they're protective of their nature?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's talk about the auras for a second, because I think this will give a good visual. So, manifesting generators and generators warm and enveloping aura I always spread my arms really wide. You are kind of an open book in many ways. People know how you're feeling. They're picking up on that energy. This is why, when you are on fire for your life or you're really convicted in what you're doing, it benefits everyone, because we all feel it and that is a really amazing gift that you can give to other people.

Speaker 1:

Projectors penetrating laser beam aura when we are with someone, we see straight through to them. It's just as easy as breathing for us. That can be very vulnerable and uncomfortable for certain people and so, projectors, they need to wait to be invited in to those situations because people have to be ready for what you have to say and it can be really invasive if not Manifestors. This repelling aura it's just. It's a self-contained, really protected aura and it is really meant to protect the magic of the manifestor. The way I have heard this then spoken about is that manifestors often say yeah, people tell me I'm a hard read.

Speaker 1:

They can't quite read me, they don't quite get me, they don't quite understand me. And for the manifestor oftentimes they can't even imagine why someone would be so interested in them. But for people who are trying to read them it can be really uncomfortable to not have clarity as to what they're seeing. So the manifestor strategy is to inform, is to just clue people in on what you're doing, who might be impacted by your decisions. So there's less resistance for that manifestor to move forward. And then reflectors the 1%. They're really rare birds, they're amazing and I've met a few reflectors in my life and I usually like to tell them, to tell me what their experience has been like versus what I read in a book. But they're really like, I would say, the judges or the. They're kind of the pulse on the environment in the community. What they do is they can read environments and people really well.

Speaker 1:

And they kind of reflect back what's happening, so they're a great pulse on the health of a relationship or an environment, an organization, and they have a sampling aura and so they kind of pop into different environments and they can taste and try on so they can be really malleable, but they have to be really careful of protecting their energy and prioritizing spaces and places that feel healthy to them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is all so interesting to me, and this is just one element.

Speaker 1:

Yes, this is like scratch the surface top layer of the cake. So it's a really important one to understand and I would say human design is not something you're going to learn in a day. It's not even something you're going to learn in a season. It is a lifetime of study and experimentation. But this is a really great place to start.

Speaker 2:

How has this helped you in your life? I'm sure it integrates in all of life, but how is it showing up?

Speaker 1:

for you. Yeah, I can share some tangible examples, but I'll say this without sounding super dramatic it has changed my life.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It has been an absolute gift in my life and it has put me on a totally different trajectory. I had a lot of self-hate and self-criticism. I really didn't understand myself and I spent many years in really painful experiences because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. And then I didn't understand why I couldn't keep up or why I was getting burnt out or sick.

Speaker 2:

So you were behaving in ways or in scenarios that were just not in alignment with how you were designed. Got it, yes absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to fit into a mold that was never built for me and so many of us are doing that. Finding human design was like a huge breath of fresh air. So, first, finding out that I was a projector because projectors are here to work in sprints and bursts, they do not have sustainable, consistent energy and that was the first thing I really resonated with, because I was so burnt out in all of my roles and my careers and I had gotten myself into this cycle where I would enter a career I would be very excited, I would contribute, I would be the hardest worker in the room, I would go two years and then I would have a crash and burn moment where I got really sick or I was tracking down to debilitating anxiety or depression, and then I would quit and then I would go through this moment of self-loathing and then I would pick myself back up and I would start the cycle again.

Speaker 1:

And so learning I was a projector really helped me understand what I needed and I've always been really interested in people. I went to college and was originally going to get my master's become a therapist, a marriage counselor, and so that really helped me understand my love for understanding people and understanding others and it really helped call out the gift of being able to see them, because I didn't see that as a gift, Um, but it is something that I have been told, and so then being able to shift and mold my career so that that gets to be something I get to do, Um, it's really put me on that trajectory. Um, we haven't talked about profile yet, but profile is one of the things I resonate most with with my um chart. If you're looking at your chart, it looks like a fraction of two numbers, so I'm a two, four um. Finding out those qualities for me was really two, four.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. So a two, four is called the hermit, opportunist, um. The two is a um is somebody who really craves and needs either alone time or time to be in their flow of whatever it is they're interested in. But they're also called the natural, so they tend to be naturally gifted at the things that are correct for them and things that are correct for them tend to come easy. But with that can come debilitating imposter syndrome, because the things that come easy to you you think there's something missing or you feel like you have to be able to explain yourself. And the two can't explain why. It knows what it knows, and so I resonated with that very deeply.

Speaker 1:

Even with human design, even four and a half years in, sometimes I still deal with this of do I know enough? Can I explain to somebody why I picked this up? Can I explain to somebody why I feel the way I feel about the generator or the four, one profile or um. And then the four is called the opportunist because it's really concerned with its intimate networks. So it does much better with a warm introduction. It does much better with um. You know smaller groups of people, or I mean you can expand your network, of course, but it it's a different kind of energy, I think, than somebody who's a true extrovert, out with all the people, can make conversation with anybody and it takes really good care of the people that it's in network with. But there has to be reciprocity in that relationship and you have this too as a 4-1.

Speaker 1:

And that really helped me understand and unpack friendships, old business relationships and just people in my life where maybe it ended painfully or I gave a lot of myself away in the name of keeping the peace and so just really it was so healing for me. I could go on and on the last thing I'll say as a mother, it has been very liberating. So my husband is a generator like you, a sacral generator, very liberating. So my husband is a generator, um, like you, a sacral generator. And um, for you know the early parts of our, of our parenthood journey. I I couldn't understand why I just couldn't keep up. I felt like a failure, I felt like a terrible mom, that I needed more space, that um, it was overwhelming to me to spend so much time, even as a family unit. I really had to break away, um, for regular periods of time, and that made me feel a lot of shame. And then our son wasn't even one when we got pregnant with the twins.

Speaker 1:

And so to have three babies under the age of two what was that moment?

Speaker 2:

like You're like in ultrasound.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. Yes, it's a wild story. I knew I was pregnant, I knew it. We stopped on the way home from a trip and got a pregnancy test and I was not happy and I really want to say I feel badly saying that because I know pregnancy is so sensitive for so many people and for me. I was sad and I was overwhelmed. And then we went in for our. We used midwives and so we went in and we had the heartbeat check and she couldn't find the heartbeats, so she scheduled an ultrasound and so we were walking to the hospital and my husband was joking because he's always wanted twins and he was joking. He said still a chance there could be twins. And I'm like I don't think we have a baby like a viable pregnancy here, so stop joking about it.

Speaker 1:

We get into that ultrasound room and they put that thing on and immediately we were like there's two in there, isn't there. So that was a really amazing experience and it's also that first year was very hard, and knowing what I knew about myself by that time, about human design, was really healing, because I understood that it was okay that it wasn't okay and it was okay that I couldn't keep up and it was okay that I was more exhausted than anybody else in the room, and so I had a lot more grace and compassion for myself, for my husband, for all of our babies at that point that I probably would have ever had had I not known this.

Speaker 2:

That's so powerful, that's been a theme that's been surfacing for me, or in things that I'm reading lately is this idea of gentleness and compassion with self, and I don't know when or why. Oh, I can only speak for myself, I suppose, but I feel like I've seen this pattern in humanity, which is that we would just beat ourselves up or, like try to fit ourselves into a certain box or shame ourselves or allow ourselves to be shamed by other people. You should be able to handle X, y, z. You should be able to do, because we assume people should be like us, rather than understanding our uniqueness and then approaching it with gentleness and compassion. It I don't know that keeps surfacing for me lately, that that when we, when we see those things in ourself, to what does it mean?

Speaker 2:

To actually come to ourself with compassion, as as you would with a child that is struggling, hopefully, but as a mom, I had moments as a mom that I was like snap out of it, oh yeah, which is very. That was the mirror. Like, oh, this is how I treat myself, which is very. That was the mirror. Like, oh, this is how I treat myself, snap out of it, get buck up, let's move on. And to unravel that. I mean, it's always a process like we've never arrived right. But it has also changed the way I mother, because if I can have more, it's a cycle right. So now I'm doing my best to be more compassionate with their beingness, their uniqueness, their humanness, and that's not easy to do when we're running at a pace or trying to force ourselves into something that isn't in alignment, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And I think we're you know, I like to consider us the cycle breakers right, we're really looking at things and saying there is a different way for us to do this and at the same time, we are, you know, unraveling eons worth of stories and experiences, and so we are going to continue to screw up and we're human.

Speaker 1:

But these tools have been so healing and helpful, and knowing my husband's design, knowing our boys so all of our children are boys and knowing their designs has been so helpful, because they need a level of engagement and energy that I can understand now.

Speaker 1:

And I also know that I can't be the one to give that to them all the time and that it's okay for me to step back and be an observer and let them figure it out, and that sometimes inserting myself is worse, especially knowing what I know about myself as a projector, and so it has changed the way I approach that and it also has just allowed me to see them with so much more compassion and awe, really, because I see so much of their designs coming through and they're really different kids. I love this aspect of that concept or that phrase of two completely different kids. They were raised in the same house. Yeah, they're completely different kids inherently, from the moment they were born, even before their birth, right Like they're different kids, they need different things, and what a gift that we can give them by understanding them on a level that is so much deeper than surface, and how cool that they get to be so close to the sun with you.

Speaker 2:

you know, just, I, I've, I've come to believe at least right now I'm believing that that we chose to come here at the time. We did with the parents that we did, and so we were just talking as we were walking here today that it's so interesting to me, that I feel like my daughters chose me and my ex and what they chose to come here to learn and experience, and it's it's a unique, it's a very different perspective than I grew up with, but it's causing me to feel differently about, um, I don't mean responsibility in the sense of like a weightiness responsibility, but like this, like Whoa, like they're, they're close to the sun with me, with you, with what with the cycles that we're breaking with, to the sun with me, with you, with what with the cycles that we're breaking with. And so I'm curious now, as I get to watch them move into adulthood, what, how. It is all linked together.

Speaker 2:

It's just a really wild versus, like how, when they were really little, which now my oldest is 18. So years ago really little, which now my oldest is 18. So years ago it was really the parenting paradigm was like how can we teach them rules, fit them in a mold, have the boundaries make sure that they say please and thank you. This way, I mean, and all of that is all good, but it really was. We've got three daughters and they'll all fit into this mold until they show you pretty quickly, and they'll all fit into this mold until they show you pretty quickly.

Speaker 2:

They're not all the same. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I know it is so wild. One thing I love watching is all of my boys are generators or manifesting generators. My oldest is a manifesting generator, the twins are generators and one thing we talk about with generator and sacral energy in general is sometimes that can manifest and come out as nonverbal.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like the mm's and the ah's and the you know the kind of guttural think about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, those guttural noises that you're not even conscious of, and I love seeing that in my boys, and they all have their sacral sounds now. And so instead of me saying and I still catch myself doing this, so let's you know, we're not perfect parents but if I ask them a question do you want to do this, or do you want this yogurt, or do you want this thing and they give me a sound instead of a yes or no I have Now I don't ask them to say is that a yes or no? Or use your words, you know, think about that. It's like what a way to disconnect them from this kind of deep guttural connection.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so learning to read their sacral sounds and their body cues more than what they're saying Cool. That's a really kind of fun little tangible thing that we've been doing.

Speaker 2:

Remember when you said that to me when we were doing our chart reading Cause that's what I am. And I was like, oh cause, when I go back to edit my episodes, there are times I'm like Jen, that was one too many, I got a lot of like. But I, after you said that I'm like that is so funny, cause I I hear that in myself now.

Speaker 1:

Every time I a noise, I'm like oh, yeah, there it is, there it is, and you get to really see that because you do podcasting. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny.

Speaker 1:

I'd really love to talk about your story just a little bit and how this kind of plays in, because I think we're on two really parallel journeys in terms of especially down to the industry that we are coming from and the work that we're really kind of like boldly stepping into, Um, what has that experience been like for you? Oh?

Speaker 2:

um, I think it well still. It's interesting Cause, on the one hand, I people have been reflecting back to me like you're so courageous and and I said it earlier, as we were chatting, but on at simultaneously I don't, I don't always feel like it's courage, because it's just a compulsion almost. It's just like I can't not do this. But, um, it's been like, when I look back, it was pretty challenging. I feel I was talking to a woman at the gym today who, randomly or not, is like into all the stuff, like I just found this out today.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, I know I'm like this is wild. We're going to hang out. She's into astrology and whatever. This is fourth line stuff.

Speaker 1:

By the way, what is what you're just saying? Like the people that kind of come into your world. Yeah, and you're really I mean as a 401, you're really unique. That's your profile. But fourth lines are they're here to make those connections and I never think that it's accident.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Now, what you're really stepping into and seeking is finding you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, see, this stuff. This is so like it's validating. It's good to hear, yeah, thank you. When I, however, many years ago, that I just started on this path of the feminine, I literally think it just like showed up in my Instagram. It was like feminine, masculine polarity, so more from an energetic relationship standpoint. And then I started to see everything through that lens, like my work, my leadership, my kids, my and where the imbalances were, and that really led me down a path of path of starting to learn about the divine feminine. So there's I mean it's all connected, right, but like what is that and what is the history of that and what is the difference between that and not? And so this stuff.

Speaker 2:

And then trying to bring that into the working world was like what? But I didn't know how to not bring it in, which is kind of ironic because I grew up very Christian. I was a worship leader prior to getting into real estate and I learned how to not bring that in, which is wild kind of. I mean, I brought myself to the table, but this was like I couldn't stop talking about it, and so so I just did, but I, but I did it in a way that was like okay, the masculine in work shows up this way it's linear, it's logical, it's goal oriented, it's and that's kind of the energetic way of looking at it it's not necessarily the divine masculine but.

Speaker 2:

If we're talking yin yang energy, and the feminine is more connected and creative and fluid, and and um, sense-based, so sensual. So what does that? Why is it important to have our environment feel a certain way and what does that do when we incorporate that? So I was trying to bring that into the best of my ability through a business setting lens. Understandably so, it didn't at the time resonate, but there were people, men and women, that started to grasp it and then started to use that language or go home and use that language with their spouse, because the theme that I saw is that, male and female, many of us were predominantly in our masculine and it was showing up just like we've just talked about.

Speaker 2:

It shows up everywhere when we don't understand what's happening inside of us and how it's relating to these different facets that we're trying to fit like. I am a whole being. I am masculine and feminine internally. There's a union there, whole being, I am masculine and feminine internally. There's a union there. But if I'm trying to fit and be predominantly masculine, it's getting me out of whack, just like you were sort of out of whack because you didn't have a full, maybe, integration or understanding at the time?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I had no idea who I was or what was going on even though I thought I did. Yeah, like you practice yoga and mindfulness. I couldn't find any language to describe what was happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's wild and when you do, and it's also so cool how there are all these different tools and lenses that I feel and maybe this is the four one in me Like, I feel like there are so many people in my world getting at the same thing from different perspectives and really world getting at the same thing from different perspectives and really, if I could name the thing, it's coming back home to self.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is like my tagline, like helping you come home to yourself is what I say to people. Yeah, I had someone say that in a testimonial a couple of years ago and I was like that's exactly what it is. So we're certainly on the same wavelength there.

Speaker 1:

And what I love about what you just said and, as I think, about you, so what I love about what you just said is there's so many paths you could take and I think for any of us who have grown up in a religious household or in a religious setting, we are told that this is the way. And I think what, collectively, we're starting to experience is that maybe there are many different ways. We're all seeking God and we're seeking source and we're seeking spirit and we're seeking something greater within ourselves. And I mean, I think about you as a 4-1. So the 4-1 profile is very unique and very rare and you, as a 4-1, are really the one who's you're like laying the tracks for other people to then follow, and to me it seems like you've always been on a bit of this spiritual journey and it's always been a piece of you and it has just evolved and grown and expanded as you've grown and expanded so that you can continue to pave this path for other people then to walk.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for that reflection. It's kind of wild to look back, because I think it wasn't until gosh, it was probably six, eight months ago. I was talking to one of my girlfriends and I was like, oh shit, all of this is leading me back to some form of spirituality, because when I was deconstructing my faith, when I was deconstructing my faith, when I was deconstructing my beliefs like it didn't totally happen on purpose, but then eventually it was. I just decided to dive into what I call is the dark and and I had never even heard at the time the dark night of the soul and the like, the heroine's journey and all of that it is.

Speaker 2:

It is always a part of transmutation, it is always a part of transformation is to go into what feels like a dark place. But there was this dark period in my life that, looking back, was pretty dark and it was where I I mean it is the chrysalis. It's where you become mush, but you don't lose your DNA, but you become mush and then you start to transform into something new and come out and go, oh, my gosh. And I remember it was when I launched my blog. So I don't know, I'm not doing anything with my blog anymore, but the blog was a part of that process of becoming and discovering who I was. And the night before I launched it was it on my 40th birthday. It might've been, it was on my birthday. I drank wine and cried. Really was like I'm coming out, like I'm coming out and it felt like a birth.

Speaker 2:

It felt like a thing. But to come back to your question of like, what is this process like and your point of going, where the energy takes you, there was a lot of pain in that process and a lot of shedding and a lot of grief and a lot of confusion. When you decide to open up, to ask the tough questions when you've never done that, that's pretty scary.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I think this is what sometimes the Instagram posts of the world miss. You'll read for the generators, for example, to follow your passion or follow what lights you up. But you've got to know that this healing journey, whether it's human design or whatever system or process, resonates with you. Healing can be really hard and ugly and painful at times, and there's always something on the other side, and I think systems like this give us some bravery to face it and to help us say I'm going to move through this. And it's like that. Anis Nin quote um of you know, the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of letting go.

Speaker 2:

Like holding tight in the butt is worse than like letting go and moving forward. I was just thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

I know I butchered that quote, but I hope we understand that's like on the front page of my blog, because it became.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know how. I stumbled into that quote and I still have on my list to get her books. Do you have her?

Speaker 1:

books. No, I don't have any of her books.

Speaker 2:

We need to get her books, but that was one that I literally had in a notebook that I read every day as I was walking through the process, because I reached that point of like it is way too painful to hang on to this version of me and it's scary to go here, but this feels more painful. So what are my choices? And then you move in that direction and start. I think anytime we step into something that is more in alignment, you feel it, Even if it's painful, you feel like I'm in the flow now, like I'm in the river, instead of swimming upstream or being in the resistance. Even if it is hard and it's painful, it feels like okay, okay, I'm moving in the right direction. Yes, yeah absolutely Well.

Speaker 1:

And if I think about your chart, so you are a sacral generator. You have so much openness that you and I both share that we have seven of our nine centers. So if you're looking at your, if you pull your chart, that's called the body graph. There are nine shapes you're going to see those are called the energy centers and, um, there, some of them can be fully colored in. Some of them are not colored in at all. You and I both have seven of those nine centers undefined, which means we receive a whole lot from our environment and people, and I think part of this process is really emptying those centers out and unpacking.

Speaker 1:

What beliefs have I adopted? What assumptions have I adopted? What identities have I adopted that aren't actually mine, right, and so this is where shedding is painful sometimes. But you have two centers defined your sacral, which is the square kind of second to the bottom, and your spleen, which is the triangle on the left side, and those are your only two defined, and they're defined through the channel 3457. And the 3457 is the art of survival and it is like sacral is life force. Energy spleen is instinct, intuition, health, immune system. It was probably to the point where it was detrimental to your health to continue on the path that you were doing, because the actions were so out of alignment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was, and you just had to really trust in your body and your soul in that moment and say none of this is logical.

Speaker 2:

I know, I'm telling you this.

Speaker 1:

You had to trust in what you couldn't understand. You had to, and it was like you're. You got to that point where body just spoke and started to direct you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

This is so powerful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean looking back and thinking about that time. It didn't make sense, my decisions weren't making logical sense, but my body was speaking and my intuition was screaming and and I couldn't not, and I I feel that now I mean now, I think, because I'm more in tune with that too I feel that I can't not do this. I feel that a lot more now in in some small ways too, like it's really I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but what I'm eating right now I go to the store and I feel like I'm more in tune with what my body wants and I'm like I can't not eat three peaches today.

Speaker 2:

It's just like an interesting thing that's happening.

Speaker 1:

Well, so sacral and spleen connected. I always call that a supercharged intuition and it's very. Both of those operate in the moment. Right Spleen is that kind of quiet intuition, very logical turn left and center. Right don't eat that, don't touch that. Sacral is that kind of guttural gut feeling. So those two are now operating and I think what you have done over these past, however many years you've been unpacking this, is you've really started to deepen that connection with those pieces of you that have always been there, that have always wanted to speak with you but maybe you couldn't hear it.

Speaker 1:

And so going to the grocery store and saying I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to get today, but I'm letting sacral and spleen kind of guide me through this grocery store and I don't know why I need to buy five peaches but I'm going to buy five peaches today and I'm going to enjoy them. And there's so much surrender in your life in general, especially for all of us, but especially for generators and manifesting generators, but for you, I mean, this is a surrendered experience.

Speaker 2:

It is, and so as simple as going to the grocery store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the one other thing I want to say about this for you is, as a 4-1, when we look at the profile and again I've gone kind of deep in profile without explaining it, but profile is like a costume, it flavors our whole experience and you can have up to 12 different profiles and they're all a combination of the numbers one through six. We look at the one and we look at the four, which is what you have both of as foundations. Four is foundations and relationship. One is like food, shelter, water safety, survival, and what you have done over these last few years is completely break down your foundations in so many aspects. Yeah, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

If you do, we cry a lot in sessions, and so that, even more so than anybody else going through what you've gone through, the level of discomfort and even fear of survival in your body that you probably experienced is even ten your path Cause you knew you didn't know where you needed to go, but you knew you needed to go somewhere and you kept following those breadcrumbs. What you have done now is you've, brick by brick, you've started to rebuild the foundation with which you'll stand on and help other people stand on.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you, and I feel like I'm going through another version of that right now.

Speaker 2:

Like I was just sharing yesterday on my Instagram, like everything has, you know, my job has changed my living situation, my cars, my kids graduating. Like I feel it's such an irony because I do feel really centered, I feel like I have such a strong knowing, but my, my physical environment and everything in it has shifted, and so it's been a new, a new challenge. And also I've been reflecting on the open, open channel piece, because I I've been also working to like in the feminine is open, it's receptive, right. Then, seeing that I have all these open channels, the other day I was asking I was reading a book, actually, and she was talking about how we can be like eggs that have shells that are porous, where we let in what we need and we let out what we need, and so I've just been sort of asking the universe like, okay, I'm so open, how can I be open to what I need to be open to and not what I don't? Do you have answers to that?

Speaker 1:

No, that's such a great question and it was someone with so much openness. I think about this a lot. I call these practices emptying out practices and I really prioritize those now. Anything from a walk in nature, restorative yoga, breath work, a journaling like a journal dump, a good cry, sauna, cold plunge, like you name it Anything that's going to help you kind of clean and clear out, rake your acupuncture, so healing, if that's something that you're interested in, that really clears out those centers and all of the extra spaces that you have open.

Speaker 1:

I think sometimes our undefined centers can get a bad rap, but they're actually some of the most beautiful places on the chart. A lot of our superpowers can live there, because it's where we harness so much wisdom, because we've had to move through situations and take things in and understand what's healthy for us or not healthy and then clear that out, and now we have a really good perspective of what's out there, and so there's a lot of beauty in the openness too, and so prioritizing the alone time and the space to clear that out on the regular, it's really helpful Okay.

Speaker 1:

That explains my nature craving maybe yeah absolutely Get out in nature, and I think you and I both have an undefined solar plexus, for example, and the solar plexus is the seat of emotions and emotional experiences, and half the population has it defined. So we are inevitably in the company of people with defined solar plexus on the regular, and, um, that means we're taking in and amplifying everyone else's emotions, right?

Speaker 2:

So we talk about the concept of empathy.

Speaker 1:

When I look at empathy, I think about people with undefined center of solar plexus, because you're literally taking in and feeling and amplifying that emotion of someone else, and so I'm starting to notice and become aware ooh, this anger or this overwhelm, I don't think it's actually mine. So can I let that go?

Speaker 2:

Is it when you're in the physical presence of somebody that you can feel their energy?

Speaker 1:

then, yeah, absolutely, and also human design has roots in astrology, and so the transits are always playing a role in this too. Where the sun and the earth and the planets are, they may define us emotionally. So you may be going through a season where you're like, oh my gosh, I'm so emotional, I can't get my, and my emotions are so high.

Speaker 2:

You mean that's not every day. Yeah, certainly can be.

Speaker 1:

But there was a period of time recently where my solar plexus was defined and I was feeling things on such a visceral, different level and when I went and pulled my chart with the transits I thought, okay, there it is, my solar plexus is defined, so I can. I'm going to allow myself to move through these emotions, but I'm not going to tie myself to them, I'm not going to hold and cling to them. That is so good, yeah, same with. I love talking about the Ajna, the undefined Ajna. It's the second triangle, down from the top.

Speaker 1:

Ajna is where we conceptualize and make sense of things. It's an information processing center and in that space, when it's undefined especially, we may have opinions that change. We may not know what we think about something. We may feel really strongly about opinions when we're with someone and then we leave them and we don't feel as strongly and um. So I've really tried to loosen my grip on, um, assuming things are truth with a capital T, uh, and clinging to my opinions, um, knowing that it's okay for me to be convicted in what I believe in, but also knowing that that may shift and mold and change over time as I have new information and experiences, and that I can really be open to other people's perspectives without taking them in as my own.

Speaker 2:

That's so good. I mean, all of this is so insightful, Just even thinking. I'm obviously thinking about myself here, right Of course, as you should. Like oh okay, I'm interviewing different people on the podcast. I'm being enlightened by different perspectives. I'm I'm a want, the one as a learner too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I'm just like it's kind of insatiable, it's, it's really wild right now, like I, to the point where I'm like Jen, stop, just like stop, cause I have five books going at once and podcasts going. But but to know that I can take that all in and not take it on as my own and, and I think similarly, with the open, like being the emotions, like not I, not attaching myself or my identity to those things, and I don't know if that's true for people with closed centers on those areas too, yeah, so let's go back to the Ajna, because's an easy one to grasp.

Speaker 1:

So my husband has a defined Ajna I don't and he has stronger and more kind of prominent opinions, I would say on just about everything. And this was a point of contention early in our relationship because he would expect me to match his level of opinionated, whatever it is his opinions, his beliefs. He would expect me to match his level of opinionated, whatever it is, his opinions, his beliefs. He would expect me to be able to match him there, even if we didn't agree, like if we were debating, and I couldn't, because I could see his perspective but I could see somebody else's perspective and I had a really hard time articulating that and that was a point of contention, until he understood what was going on. He defined Ajna as you're really stubborn by nature and I say that with a lot of love. You're not necessarily here to have your mind changed, and so for us that's been a great release. Okay, I don't need to try to force to change your mind. You may or may not change mine. And we're good, we're cool, we can coexist how cool.

Speaker 1:

Or someone with a defined identity center. You usually know who they are. There's just something about them that's so solid. They have just a strong kind of sense of self. I would say they're a bit less of a chameleon, though they can go through massive shifts and changes in their lives, don't get me wrong. And they're really the identity center, which is the diamond right in the middle of the chart that exudes love and worthiness, and so maybe they have a more solid sense of self or they understand, even if they're going through a tough time, that they're worthy of love. And those of us with an undefined identity center are really on a journey sometimes, because we could be chameleons. We can hook into identities or systems or places that are not healthy for us at all, but we adopt them as our own. We can question whether we're worthy of love or acceptance. We can be really confused about our direction in life. A lot of direction is a big theme of that, so it's totally different experience. It's so much.

Speaker 2:

This is so powerful for people, right? Thank you yeah, For you powerful for your family and anybody that dives into it. I imagine people listening. You're going to get inundated with information. Okay, Please do Um. Is there anything else that's been on your heart or mind, whether it's human design or not, that we haven't talked about today?

Speaker 1:

Great question. I want to say one thing about human design, and that it's not a belief system. So if anybody is hesitant about exploring it or diving into it, the founder himself said this is not a belief system. This is an experiment. You go out and you make your own meaning. So I want to say that about that.

Speaker 1:

I also want to say, if you're just starting your human design journey and you're feeling overwhelmed, that's a very natural place to be and it's like learning a new language. So take your time, start small, play with it. If it resonates, then you can slowly kind of keep going and keep uncovering. But it doesn't matter whether it's human design or another system, prioritizing practices that bring you closer to yourself and bring you closer to a sense of self-awareness and self-empowerment, connection with God or source or whatever it is that you believe in. I think that's one of the most powerful things we can be doing right now as individuals. And if we can start to change that individually, imagine what we can do on a broader scale, and I'm really passionate about that. So I don't care what system it is, go find it. If it brings you closer to yourself, make space in your day for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Okay. So if people they're going to be curious, they're going to get a hold of you tell us about your work and what you offer and how they can get in contact with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm mostly on Instagram at Maggie Hilpish that's my website as well maggiehilpishcom. Right now I offer one-on-one sessions. I also do work for teams. So if you're working for an organization or a corporation, I've done of work with between workshops, one-on-one sessions or team sessions, um, and I'm also launching a program in the fall. So you can find all that info on my website or on Instagram. Okay, and we'll put that all in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for your bravery, um, and for following what's in you that is begging to be birthed and that you're you're doing it, you've done it.

Speaker 2:

You've. You're a living example for so many people that are like, uh, I'm feeling called to explore this thing and how do I integrate that in my current work and my family and my we're? Just I'm seeing it everywhere and it's hard, it is really challenging to take those steps. So just I just want to celebrate you and that you've done that and how it's impacting so many people's lives.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. I go that right back to you.

Speaker 2:

Maybe most importantly that it is you, it's your life that is unfolding as it is designed to, and that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, and right back at you. I want to recognize your bravery and your openness and the fact that your path has really unfolded the way it has, and to take a step outside of a role like you were in and a career that you were in, and embrace this, especially as a mom, especially, you know, in this next phase of your life, like it's, it's really powerful and you have no idea how many people you're going to impact. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, all right, so fun. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Hey you, yes you. Thank you for tuning in today. I hope this episode is supporting you on your path to becoming the strongest, shiniest version of you. My goal and hope is to continue helping people through this podcast, so if you've enjoyed this episode or taken anything that's helped you out, the best thank you would be to join me in moving this forward by doing two simple things. If you haven't already, following the podcast is very helpful. Also, apparently, the algorithms really like reviews. If you can take a minute to leave a review, artificial intelligence would love it and I would be so grateful. Feel free, of course, to share an episode with someone you think may need to hear what you heard today. Thanks again, everyone. I genuinely appreciate you and I'm so thankful to be building a community like this together here. I'll catch you later. In the meantime, have a banging day.

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