The Whole Shebang

40. Reclaiming The Dismembered Feminine for More Pleasure and Power

Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 40

Real talk. After a week of moving, and my Dad's death anniversary, and physical tiredness, I wanted to bring you what's real. Because life is not an easy straight line. It's full of all kinds of textures and experiences, and it's a REAL practice to remain open to Love when it'd be easier to be numb.  This practice is to live a life that embodies the Feminine. 

The reclamation of the Divine Feminine cannot be overstated. It's happening across the globe and I believe is birthing a new era. 

Now that we've got the big sweeping statements covered... let me also share the practical... in this episode we uncover three key reasons to re-member the Feminine, and remain open to our emotions: you'll realize your intuitive power, juice up relationship dynamics through the dance of masculine and feminine energies, and  when we live open to Love, when we know that our bodies are fully human AND fully divine, we bring heaven to Earth. 

Yep, I figured I'd end this description with yet another sweeping statement ;) 

Enjoy, loves 

xx - Jen

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Speaker 1:

My name is Jen Briggs and welcome to the whole shebang, where, on Mondays, you get what else but a mini bang. These short episodes are really meant to meet you where you're at, to help you set an intention or focus for the week, to consider a perspective that maybe you haven't before, and to answer the most common questions that not only propelled my personal and professional growth, but the best of the best I see around me. This is where we unbecome shedding the layers and the old ways that aren't serving us anymore, and where we continue becoming, stepping into and magnifying more of who you really are and who you're meant to be. So buckle up buttercups. We're diving in you guys. This is like the sixth time I've tried to consolidate this message to five minutes and record it, and it feels impossible. Apparently, there's a lot I want to say, or maybe I'm just really tired from moving, but what I want to talk about today is this concept, this way of being, this way of living that is living open to love. It's a phrase that I heard David Data say years ago, and it has really resonated with me, and it is the goal of how I want to be, how I want to live.

Speaker 1:

If you're following me on social media, you probably saw that in my stories and I've been experiencing that in a really real way this week because in the past the old me, I'm moving, I'm saying goodbye. There's sadness with that. There's also excitement about the new chapter. It was my dad's death anniversary on May 30th and I'm, of course, going through boxes and coming across things that are bringing up some grief and some joy and just all kinds of stuff. The old me would have been closed or closed 90% of the way. I would have felt a ping of something and shut it down and constricted. And if you pause for a moment, you can consider those times maybe today, maybe in your life, where you can close yourself off to emotion. You can close yourself off. This is creating layers of numbness in you and, fortunately or not, we're not so great at compartmentalizing all of life. So if you want to experience pleasure and joy at its fullest, then it means that you're going to experience pain, and so this practice of sort of resensitizing and thawing and pulling away these layers and letting down shields has a lot of benefit.

Speaker 1:

But on the surface some people might think that it sounds awful. Why would I want to cry? Why would I want to feel? Well, let me tell you here's why I think, why you might want to consider it. A couple of few things. I'm going to give you three reasons why we might want to consider living open to love. One I believe that it is a reclamation of the divine feminine, which means that it is a reclamation of our intuitive, creative, of our power. Think power. Think like where do you plug in? If we are dismembered, if we are not embodied and we're not connected or open in our bodies to love not connected or open in our bodies to love, to source then we are cut off from our intuitive, magnetic, resourceful birthing power. And I'm going to talk about what that means in a second here. But that is the birthplace of everything. Actually, I'll talk about it now.

Speaker 1:

David Data has a quote. He says the energy that moves life is the force of the feminine. She is unstoppable. She is the source of all life, the mover of blood, the breather of breath, the flow of the river's water. The feminine is life. We can feel her, with a capital H, moving and living in any moment. We are open to her. Let me say that again, we can feel her moving and living in any moment we are open to her, or as her. That's David data. So that is the feminine and, um, I think we spoke about that on one of my recent episodes with Vanessa feels she talked about.

Speaker 1:

The feminine is, if you look in nature, it is. She is the volcano, she is the power in the ocean, she is the delicacy of a drop of dew on a spider web. She is the prism of light that creates a rainbow. The feminine is the birther of life. She is the one that ends life. The feminine is all of that. The masculine is consciousness and awareness. So, if we want to move in power and birth things and create things and have our intuition which will guide us every day, that intuition, you want to manifest anything in your life. Reconnecting to your intuition and to your confidence in that is found in your body, and the only way we can be sensitive enough to feel that is if we are living open, living open to love, living open to expression of fullness, of the feminine, which is the divine feminine. Okay, so that's one reason why.

Speaker 1:

Number two, if you're into the whole polarity thing, this can lead to a really juicy relationship dynamic If you've listened to any of the other episodes that I've put out there, especially the early ones. I talked a lot about this, that that I have a desire in my future partnership that my partner would be have the ability to be very grounded in his masculine and while I right now, as a single woman, as I'm experiencing these emotions and being open to love, my masculine is holding space for me, I can hold, I can ground and hold space and be witness to the emotion that is flowing through. Now, when I get into a partnership with a man that can hold ground and hold that space, I will be even more free to like, be in the juiciness of all of my feminine in that dance If we want to polarize like that that creates that really, really juicy, dynamic, magnetic, electric charge. I know a lot of women that are functioning in their masculine, that are in their logic, in their mind. They are constricted in their bodies, and so they're attracting men and there are men at well, and it could be a woman, for that matter. They're attracting people that are men, and it could be women, for that matter. They're attracting people that are more centered in their feminine energy, because the feminine looks for that grounding, looks for that logic, wants that. So if you're a woman and you want a partner that is in their masculine, you can't do that if you're disembodied, you cannot do that if you're dismembered from your divine feminine. And if you are numb to life. If you are not the ocean and the drop of dew and the volcano and the wind and the all the yummy things you're going to have a hard time attracting a partner. That is that is.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you an analogy I heard this once recently that if you're watching a play and you can imagine yourself there's there's actors on the stage and they're doing a great job and they're being really funny, or there's a fun dance or there's something going on and your attention is really captured by what's happening on the stage. But then it gets kind of boring and the plot line kind of fades and you're not really sure what's going on and your attention starts to wander and so you're not keyed in on what's happening, or maybe there's kind of nothing happening anymore on the stage, so your attention really isn't there. The masculine, the true, a healthy masculine that's grounded, loves nothing more than to like, partake and be witness, to intend to the all of the action of the feminine right, all of the movement of the feminine, her ability to embody love and flow and respond to pleasure and all of that juiciness. But if there's not much going on on the stage and we're also just sitting back watching and there's nothing to watch, there's not a lot of juice in that polarity. And again, if we're not open energetically, if we're not open to love, if we're not, if we're numb to feeling, we're going to have a hard time being in that juicy flavor.

Speaker 1:

A third reason why I think we should consider being open as love, in a, let me say, as an expression of the embodied divine. I think it's just written in the stars. I think that we are entering a new era. Daniel talked about it on the last episode. We did that that we're birthing something new and none of us really know what it looks like. I'm convinced that a big part, if not a major player, in this is the reclamation of the divine feminine in all of us, male and female. By the way, we have 25% male listenership on the whole shebang. So you guys, this is for you too, okay.

Speaker 1:

So what is the feminine? I talked about that with the David Data quote. The feminine is all of the juiciness. Three qualities that I would describe as the feminine, or living open to the feminine and open to love, is that she's embodied. So it is in our bodies. That is where we notice what's happening and that's kind of well. I'll get into the how in a minute. So, number one she's embodied. Number two she's a sensitive instrument. I hate to kind of well, I'll get into how in a minute. So, number one she's embodied. Number two she's a sensitive instrument. I hate to kind of put it in a tool analogy, but actually it is a good analogy.

Speaker 1:

I was having coffee with a friend last week. Shout out, you know who you are if you're listening, um, and she said you know I'm really. I said maybe I'm being overly sensitive. I was talking about a situation in my life and I said, ah, I, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive to that. And she said hold up, I'm really tired of us saying that we're being too sensitive. If I'm using an instrument for anything, if I'm taking a measurement of something, if I'm you know I thought of a test of like I just saw a fentanyl, like to be able to test for drugs and other things you want the most sensitive test, Pregnancy test. We'll use that as an example. You want the most sensitive tool, sensitive test, to be able to pick up on anything.

Speaker 1:

So there is a whole lot of fricking power when we are attuned in our bodies so that we can be sensitive to what's happening. If it's sensitive to the energy around us, if it's sensitive to pleasure, like the numbness, is a lack of sensitivity. Sensitivity is where our superpowers are. I don't know if there's such a thing as being too sensitive. That sensitivity is what guides us. That is how I know right now when I'm like oh yeah, this is the way to move. Oh, that's not the way to move. Oh, this is good energy, spend more time with these people. Uh, that's not great, because my I am. I haven't arrived, by the way, but I have been working hard on being open to love and sensitive in my body.

Speaker 1:

Number three, a third reason or a third, sorry, not a reason A third sort of quality of the feminine is it ties very closely to the sensitivity is that she is responsive. She sort of automatically responds. So if you have like really great grounded masculine energy, even just like walk by you without seeing it, seeing it, you will feel your body respond. I'm just even giggling thinking about it Like you cannot help but be responsive automatically to energy, which I thought of this the other day. I was like I used to.

Speaker 1:

I had this thought a while ago of like dogs are so interesting, or at least my dog. Her tail gives her away and her ears like she could be dead asleep, and my youngest daughter and her have this little really playful relationship. When my daughter walks in the room, she could be dead asleep and her have this little really playful relationship. When my daughter walks in the room, she could be dead asleep and her tail will instantly just start, like on the on the couch. She is responsive, without thinking, her body is like, yes, let's play.

Speaker 1:

And I thought what would it be like to be a dog, to be like you cannot hide when you're excited to see somebody or when you're ashamed of something, like you just have a dead giveaway. And then I had this like moment where I was like, oh God, my, I'm a, I'm giving myself a, I'm like I have dead giveaways now because because I've worked hard at being open, like I tear up when I am full of joy or full of gratitude, my tear ducts are like a dog tail. I can be happy. I don't cry as much when I'm sad. I mean I do, but that's my giveaway. So that's actually part of what we want. We want to be really responsive.

Speaker 1:

Think about that in intimacy. Like I heard a guy say, oh, starfish women are the worst. I was like what, what's a starfish? He's like what do you mean? What's a starfish? She just lays there. I'm like sorry if this is too much for you. I hope it's not too much for you. Sex is great and we can be embodied and talk about it. If it's too much for you, I'm sorry, but not sorry.

Speaker 1:

Um, we want to be able to feel and not be numb, and also be responsive and understand that our bodies are divine. Our bodies are divine. They're holy, but not holy like they need to be cleansed because they're dirty. We are born holy. We are born with divinity infused in every cell of our being. Infused in every cell of your being is light. You are radiating light and that is beautiful. Your body is beautiful and we want it to be responsive and sensitive and open to love.

Speaker 1:

I think when I think about the relationship dynamic, I honestly now, the more work that I'm doing and more studying I'm doing, I feel like that's all just cherry on top, that's all just like, and I get to have all this yummy stuff happening, awesome. The real like meat of this to me is that when we are open to love and connected not connected when we are sensitive to what's happening in our bodies, we are the sacred. We are the embodiment of the sacred on earth. We bring heaven to earth. This is heaven on earth. We are not. Oh, I wrote about it, you guys. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I was sort of scribing this morning about this. What do you know? Okay, let me read this to you.

Speaker 1:

We want to confirm over and over that you are on your path. We want your senses to know our nearness, our oneness. You'll have people in situations that, although they're well-intended, will unknowingly be nudging you off of your path, but this is your path, not their own. Remember, remember, remember Deep in your bones through all of time. Remember, remember deep in your bones through all of time. Remember this means to remember where we were once dismembered. You are being re -membered with the divine. You are divine, you have your knowing, you are centered and full of love and light. Then to the temptation is to seek affirmation along the way, but you need no affirmation from the external. This is why we're sending you signs and winks and divine nods every day, because you staying on your path is dependent on you knowing your divinity.

Speaker 1:

Yes, love, get comfortable with this truth. It's more than a connection to it's more than a hearing, sensing or feeling the otherness of the divine. It is an embodied merging with divine that your body is not just a shell to hold the divine, not a house, not even just a temple. Your body, your cells, your DNA, your breath, your yoni, your touch, your heartbeat, your resonance of your voice, everything you are, is the divine you are remembering and being brought together. Yes, it's beautiful and it's also pure magic. Kind of forgot. I wrote that this morning, guys, I think that's for today. I think that's for us.

Speaker 1:

I want to read this one last quote Maureen Murdoch from the Heroine's Journey. She says as women return I believe this is for men too. Let me just pause there for a second. 25% of our listenership, by the way, is male, which is awesome. Um, there is a special journey for the woman to reclaim her female body oh yeah, we got to pause there. Her female body Ooh yeah, we got to pause there. There is a special remembering for the woman to reclaim her female body. There is power in the womb, in our female bodies. That have been all of the things through all of the history that are not, that they have not been treated as sacred. And our bodies? They don't need to be cleansed to become sacred. They are sacred and there is. The female body has been mistreated throughout history, and so there is a special place, especially right now, for women to reclaim and own the female essence, the sacred divine of the feminine. Now, within us males have divine feminine and divine masculine, just as we have divine masculine as well. So I'm going to speak for a second now to you, women.

Speaker 1:

As a woman returns from the descent, she takes back her body and in this act of reclamation, she takes back not only her personal physical form, but she embodies the sacredness of the feminine for all of us. She begins to make conscious its needs through conscious nutrition, exercise, bathing, rest-taking, healing, love-making, birthing and dying. She reminds us of the sanctity of the feminine. For many women, including myself, the most sacred moments have been physical ones being held, making love, nursing a child or giving birth, making love, nursing a child or giving birth. So we are remembering by understanding that this is a full merging with the divine feminine.

Speaker 1:

And living open to love allows us to live open to pleasure, ple pleasure in all of life. Yes, I mean sexually, but I mean in how we savor the food that we eat, I mean in how we view the drop of dew on a spider web that we are attuned to so much of, how life wants to express divinity and love to us, and that that spills over to every area of life. It spills over to every area of life. When we live open as love, we have the potential for really juicy, dynamics and relationships. And I believe ultimately, like I said, all of that is a cherry on top of a divine plan that is being unfolded.

Speaker 1:

That is a reclamation, a merging of the divine feminine, the sacred feminine with the sacred masculine. This is not a setting aside of the masculine, it's not a now, it's our turn. It is a merging of the two that is so beautiful and so powerful, and all of us have that within us. We are a mirror or a reflection of what is in nature. So the masculine is consciousness, it is the awareness, it is the observer of the play that's happening. It is the observer of the play.

Speaker 1:

That's happening and we have that in us and we have the feminine in us, and so we can see all of this reflected in nature and we can look at next time you take a walk outside, look at anything in nature and ask how is that embodied in me? How am I a reflection of that? And if I'm not, how can I become? How can I become open? I don't think. It's not that you're not a reflection of that. I think if you don't feel that, it's because you haven't remembered yet. That's the awakening. The awakening is to the remembering of the truth that already is awakening. The awakening is to the remembering of the truth that already is All right. I never know how to sign off on here, so I'll just go with the catchphrase have a banging day, live open to love and feel it. Feel it in your bones.

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