The Whole Shebang

45. Perfectly Imperfect: Fully Human, Fully Divine

Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 45

Life is not linear. Bliss is not perpetual. We are human, and that means we have funks, and missteps, and we wonder how we got here, and then sometimes we kick ourselves for it. Afterall, we're made of stardust so shouldn't we beam sunshine from our eyeballs all the gosh darn day?! 

So yes, we are Divine 100% of the time - which is pure magic AND you are human 100% of the time. So basically, we're 200% beings. 

Seriously, life feels funky sometimes. And if you're in a funk, you're not alone. This week I'm going rouge and being an open book (I kid, I'm notorious for being an open book.... you're just getting the MORE of it today), and taking you on the real journey. Because sometimes it's stardust and sometimes it's dirt. 


xx - Jen 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the whole shebang. I'm Jen Briggs, your host. Let me tell you what you're in for here. Many of us have been running at breakneck speed, functioning mostly in our heads, and we've suffered from disconnection, burnout and lost passions. I believe it's because we functioned in part and not in whole. So we're exploring a new path, embracing intuition, creativity, playfulness and connection in all of life. It's vibrant, powerful and magnetic. So come on with me and buckle up buttercups. We're diving in.

Speaker 1:

It's Thursday and it's just me today. You were probably expecting some phenomenal guest. However, after some wildly consistent technology difficulties that haven't happened before, it's just going to be me today. Surprise, congratulations. I'm sorry. You know, pick your poison, however you feel about it.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, that is also quite fitting with what I'm going to talk about today, which is what it means to be fully human. So you know, I've been obviously talking a lot about the divine feminine and what it means to embody divinity, to have divinity imbued in ourselves and infused in our breath and our bones and everything we do, and isn't that magic-y? It's so magical. Simultaneously, we are fully human, which may not feel as magic sometimes, but I believe that it is just as magical If we understand that we came here, that we chose to come here in this human form to have a human experience. That's pretty magical, and I kind of referenced some of this on, I don't know somewhere on Instagram probably too but we get to experience the spectrum of emotions and feelings and sensations and perspectives that only human beings, beings in human form, can experience. I think a lot of times we feel like we need to be perfect or we need to aim for some existential enlightened state and we forget that we are here as humans. And you've heard me say and I think my intro says like I'm on a journey and I am on a journey and I think it would be misleading to only take you on the parts of the journey that feel like fairy dust, and this isn't like in the mud, but this is in the earth, like this episode is a little like in the grass. So I'm going to give you what I got, because we're on a journey together and this leg of my journey feels different than the last legs have felt, and this is what it is to be human. So when I realized that I was going to put an episode out today, I sat down with my journal and asked Goddess what to talk about today, and this was that, and out of that came a little bit of writing, so scribing. So here's what I've got today.

Speaker 1:

This week, we're going to speak to your humanness, rightfully so, because we've been dismembered. There will be a consistent need, as consistent as a heartbeat, to come back to your divinity, and it is important to remember that we, that you, that we all came here to be human as well. So what does this mean? It means that there's no such thing as imperfect days or moments or decisions or feelings. So let us explain.

Speaker 1:

When you say I'm not perfect, it implies that there is perfection. What is perfection? Mistake-free, sin-free? There's two important points that we need to rest on here. One you are divine. You are living, breathing prism of God. Okay, let me, let me just stop there.

Speaker 1:

As I was writing this. That is like what I saw. You know that they're not like magnifying glasses. They're like prisms that you put over light and then or that light goes into it and then it shines out a bunch of different colors. That's what I saw when I was writing this. So so we are, that we are divine, and when divinity enters our bodies and we are vibrating at a high frequency we become a prism, that light shines out of us. Yeah, that's fairy dust stuff. There's your fairy dust for the episode. So in that sense, you actually are perfect. So we are perfect in that sense.

Speaker 1:

Number two the second point that we must rest on. To be human is to be perfectly imperfect. I'm going to pause here a second too. It's really hard to put words to things that don't have words, so perfectly imperfect feels out of place, but it's the best we could do with words here. So to be human is to be perfectly imperfect, meaning it is the living, breathing part that merges with the divine, the part that trips and falls and gets humbled, feels pain, that gets stuck, that enjoys oh, this is R-rated, sorry the part that gets stuck, the part that enjoys a good fuck and a god fuck. To be human is to learn. The part that gets stuck, the part that enjoys a good fuck and a God fuck. To be human is to learn. I'm blushing over here, you guys. There's only like 30 people that are going to listen to this one anyways, right, I digress, okay, okay. So to be human is to learn. What's the phrase that you say? You learn from your mistakes.

Speaker 1:

So at this point in my scribing, it was led to go look up the etymology, which means the root meaning of the word of mistake, and it's two parts miss M-I-S mistake and it's two parts miss M-I-S and take. Mistake is a false judgment or a false choice, but it does not imply moral obliguity, it is altogether gentle. So it was comparing the etymology of the word mistake to the word error, and error had to do with the character of the person making the decision, and mistake didn't have a moral quality to it. It just means almost like a miss, like a miss aim, a miss fire, a miss step, a miss marking, and then taking means to what it means mis-marking and then taking means to what it means take. So you kind of aim a little off and then you take it and then you learn from it. So mistake is not like a moral failing. What is morality? Anyways, that's for the next podcast, okay, and this. So mistakes, and this is what it means to be human. It is part of your human design and it's perfect, just as it was intended to be. So I'm going to.

Speaker 1:

There's more that I was writing, but let me just kind of try to pull some of these dots together If we are here to be human and to be divine. But remember that we came into human form for a purpose. Part of that purpose is evolution and learning and remembering. And I keep pausing on that word remembering. What I mean by that if you didn't listen to the last episode is that it is the opposite of being dismembered, which is kind of gory, but like remembering is actually pulling back in parts of us that we've forgotten, whether they're deep inner soul things, whether they're lineage, ancestral things, if you believe in past lives, that kind of stuff. So we're remembering all of who we are and that's a part of why we came here as humans is to remember that and fully express that and fully live that. And it's to learn and evolve.

Speaker 1:

And so how do we learn, which is was writing in here earlier, what's the phrase that we say? We learn from our mistakes or our missteps or our little miss, miss aims. But I don't. I think it's like again, really hard to find the perfect words because I don't know that there's always just this perfectly right next thing or wrong next thing. I think we just um, we can, we make a choice. That's part of the mistake. We make a choice and then we might look back and go, oh, that was maybe not quite right, so we learn from it and move forward. And that's the part of being human that is falling and failing and working with shadows and, and you know, feeling upside down sometimes in life. And the aim isn't to be constantly ascending to this enlightened state. I don't think I might change my opinion on that Like if I talk to an alien or something and they tell me otherwise, or something and they tell me otherwise. I don't think that's the aim. I think the aim is to love deeply, be divine, be fully human, have this human experience fall on our face, pick ourselves up, have some raw feelings, go through these different emotions of being human and then maybe next week you feel pretty divine again. It's a cycle.

Speaker 1:

I ended my scribing with this phrase just be gentle with yourselves. Compassion is wholly underrated. What does it feel like to be gentle with ourselves, like really gentle with ourselves? And have you had anybody be gentle with you? Or have you caught yourself ever being really gentle with somebody else when maybe you would normally be? You would snap in impatience or be angry. What does it feel like to actually have an unexpected gentleness in somebody that is in relationship with you or with yourself. So what does it mean to really be gentle with yourself? Now, maybe let me pause and I say that phrase a lot. Let me pause.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, um, I'm going to tell you a little bit about where this is coming from in my life. So the last month I just wrote a post on the sun Instagram to the last month has been like very disorienting for me. Um, I, my job, my position was eliminated, so I decided to be fully self employed again, which is so exciting, and I've got some great things happening, which is great. But that's a huge transition from being highly extroverted in a very high octane leadership position that's very visible and constantly working with people to solo Holy smokes. That's a big change for me and that's just one of them.

Speaker 1:

So in part of that, I sold my house, I downsized, I have a great new little condo in a different part of the city and that's awesome. I love it here. If you can see it like it's a great little space, but, man, everything about it is different. Everything about it is different. And my oldest daughter it just graduated and there's feelings with that and feelings with the fam you know, our close relatives and my ex-husband and his family and navigating new dynamics there. And that's all great, it was so positive. It was so positive, such a great experience, but like holy smokes, a lot of new dynamics and different energy to just process. So there's all of that happening, um, and then I'm doing all this like I'm in a class, doing shadow work, exploring the underbelly of my wounds. That's a whole thing. Uh, okay, so all of that is happening simultaneously.

Speaker 1:

I have been, as you know, stubbornly committed in the best way possible, because it feels so right and so in alignment to be living in my feminine energy, like, or just really aware of integrating that. And, and what I mean by that primarily in this way, is like being open, being open, energetically open to love, not shut down, not constricting, not closing in on myself. So, through all of this change, when feelings come up the old me would have physically constricted. If you're in tune with your body, you know what I mean, which I wasn't always in tune with my body either. So maybe this doesn't make sense to you, but I could even feel the difference in my back, like this week for the first time, and I don't know how long I had constriction in my back, like between my ribs.

Speaker 1:

My body was starting to constrict and I actually did a guided breathwork session with an amazing woman. Shout out, you know you are. Someday she'll be on the podcast and someday we're going to do some events together. The most powerful breathwork session that released the muscles in my back and moved the energy. This is a part of my commitment to staying open. So if I am, if my if feelings are coming up, I'm going to allow myself to feel them rather than barrel through and constrict and close in on myself. With all of this that's happening. It's a lot of feelings, it's excitement, it's sadness, it's grief, it's loneliness, it's confusion, it's frustration, and that is what it is to be human. And part of my commitment in this podcast is to just show up as I am, and some days it's giddy and super joyful, and sometimes it's sad and sometimes it's exhausted, and right now it is the.

Speaker 1:

It is the night before publishing again. I'm basically in my PJs, it's 10 45 PM. I do have a glass of wine poured. I've only had one sip so far. Um, and this is me. This is what you're getting and I want to share this with you because this is also a part of integrating that feminine. The feminine is feeling. And, believe me, I have worked the muscle. I could flip a switch right now if I wanted to and be like I'm good. I'm good, and I could flip into business planning mode and I could go balls to the wall on that. But that's not what feels in alignment for me right now. So here I am. I don't know. You can connect the dots for yourself. Wherever you see yourself in me is awesome. Where you don't, that's great too. And the moral of the story is pretty, hopefully graspable for you, which is that like, oh, we're all human, we're all human, we all have stuff, we all have feelings. And here I want to pull it together with you.

Speaker 1:

I wrapped up reading my one of my Mary Magdalene books, called Mary Magdalene, revealed by Megan Watterson, and of course this came to me today as I was thinking about this cycle of being fully human, fully divine, fully human, fully divine. Do we just perfectly merge and then all of a sudden, like red and yellow, become orange? No, it's like I'm red, then I'm yellow, I'm red, then I'm yellow, I'm red then I'm yellow. Maybe I'm a little twinge of orange, but like I think that it's this cycle. It's a bit of a cycle, whether it's hour by hour, day by day, season by season, that we feel like we're moving in and out of that, and that's normal for our experience, because we're not angels. We are goddesses, though, and we're human.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is going to be like three or four paragraphs, so, um, grab your blankies, it's story time. I'll just give you a little bit of the backstory on what she's saying here. She's talking about this challenge of like what it means to be human and and how sometimes it can be really overwhelming with like what's the next thing that I do? How do I move forward? And for me, I'm really, really feeling that because, for the first time in my life, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I was telling my friend, I was talking with her on the phone last night and she said how are you? And I said I'm good, like, I feel so centered, I feel so clear on that. I'm in the right place in life, I'm on the right path Um this, but this is the first time in my life that I'm in the right place in life. I'm on the right path Um this, but this is the first time in my life that I'm not sticking a stake in the ground somewhere out in the future. I'm not like a year from now I'm going to be blah, blah, blah or like this is what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

I literally am like. I literally am like all I want to do is read about Mary Magdalene and mermaids and do the podcast and coach like I am and I have kids, like I am doing other stuff, but but I don't have like a, I don't have a finish line right now. I you know what this is. This is art, and I just started reading Rick Rubin's book about what's it called the Creative Act, the Creative Life, the Creative Life. I think I just started reading it, but the first few pages he talks about that Our opportunity, our work as creatives we are all creatives is to look at our life as an act of art, and that's what it feels like right now. Art to me is such an evolution Music, think, pottery, think like, oh, I'm going to start a painting and then all of a sudden it takes me in a new direction. This is what it feels like I'm doing right now, where I'm like, oh yeah, I'm definitely doing the podcast and I'm coaching some people and I'm, you know, working out eating peaches. Uh, and like three weeks from now, I think it's going to be pretty much the same, but, um, all I can see is just that in front of me, and until I can see more in front of me, I'm going to just keep doing this. So it's going to evolve as it's going to evolve, but I don't have a stake in the ground out in the future. And so so back to this book.

Speaker 1:

Megan Watterson is saying when you feel overwhelmed with like, how do I do the next thing, how do I create the next act? She's saying that she, this author, is saying when she's overwhelmed with writing or how to create the next act, she turns to Hemingway's reminder. So this is where I'll pick up the bedtime story or the morning time story, if that's when you're listening. She says I turned to Hemingway's reminder. All you have to do is write one true sentence, write the truest sentence that you know. We just have to tell each next truth we hear from within, and this is what frees us from the very unique cages our own egos have constructed for us. Okay, pause, I am feeling that that's what I'm doing right now, because I was like I don't know what to do on from within is what I'm sharing today and, frick, is it freeing me from the unique cage of my ego? Probably, probably. I don't feel extremely prideful right now. I get silly at night, so it's probably best that I don't record most of these in the night. But this is what you're getting, okay, unpause.

Speaker 1:

The perfect or true human is anchored into this love and also is equally still and for as long as we have a body, this raging ego, that will resist the death this love demands. So it's all part of the process. It's part of what it means to be spiritual and to be perfect and to be an absolute mess at times, to fall flat on our egos and scream, for example, while sobbing in the shower, or to storm out of a situation you couldn't possibly handle calmly in the moment. The good news is that it's just alpha and then omega ad infinitum. Infinity is what that means. It's just a constant return, a myriad of opportunities to come back to this voice of love inside us, and we can spend less and less time away from it or feeling as though we're separate from it or aren't worthy of it, if we choose to.

Speaker 1:

But being human isn't the failure. Being human is the soul's chance to be here, the guru, the saint, the magi, the perfected ideal of yourself that can radiate beams of light like Princess Fiona after Shrek's true love, kiss and remain that way, is an illusion. This is often used as a way for us to feel inadequate, to constantly compare ourselves, to constantly suggest to ourselves that we're not there yet. We haven't arrived. The good news is, we never arrive. None of us, not even the holiest person you can think of in this moment, like Oprah or the Dalai Lama. We never get there. That's the whole point of being human. The point is to constantly arrive For some of us, with each breath, we constantly return to love.

Speaker 1:

This is the good news that we can, that it's set up this way, that, no matter who we are or how long we've been separated from feeling the presence of love, it's actually right here within. I mean, she probably says it a little bit better than I just did. Isn't that the perfect summation? That's a perfect summation of what I've been saying. Yeah, so we're fully human. We're fully human and fully divine, and that is a wild experience to live. So if you're falling on your ego today, congratulations. You're living the human life and that's what's meant to happen, and all you need to do, breath by breath, is return to home, return to center, return to love. No matter how long you feel like you've been away, it is always within, always within, always within. Ooh, yeah, always.

Speaker 1:

Okay, before I say goodbye, I do want to tell you I have some really great guests coming up. I have a woman named Maggie that I'm chatting with tomorrow. She's a human design consultant and she is a true gem, like a prism gem. I think I can let the cat out of the bag. I won't totally let the cat out of the bag. Uh, I won't totally let the cat out of the bag. I'm having my first repeat guest and you all loved him, so there's a couple clues for you. He's coming back on in the next couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

Here We've got some good things in the queue, is what I'm saying. Thank you all for joining me, thank you for listening. Uh, oh, a quick ask If you haven't, do me a solid and follow the podcast, will you? And another ask if you could leave a five-star review, if you feel the five stars, that would be amazing. You don't even have to leave words. Words are great, but both of those things help the podcast. With AI, just get pushed and as the podcast platform grows, it does give me opportunities to invite different guests on and do some exciting new things in the future with the podcast and platform. So that would help. That would just like if, if, if you're taking anything and you just want to say thank you, those would be wonderful little thank yous In the meantime. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

I I feel so, um, wildly in alignment with what we're doing and who this podcast is allowing me to meet and network with and network. It's like a mycelial network, it's just like this web of people that is being connected. That is just. This is the magical part. It is so magic and I can see it growing and spreading and new people coming in and I, oh man, I just hope it's blessing you, I hope it's helping you in your life. I hope that you are getting what you're here for.

Speaker 1:

I had somebody reflect this back to me too, that sometimes we show up to things like this because of the energy and, um, part of what I, why I'm. I'm going to be really honest with you. I'm doing my inner work because I feel called to do my inner work, and I want to say that because I I grew up feeling like I needed to do the work so that I could be a blessing to other people, and I always had that sort of it feels a little backwards to me to be like, well, I better do this so that I can be good to other people. It feels way more like real to me to be doing the work because it feels good, feels in alignment, feels right. To me, this is an inside out way of living right. It starts at the core in me. And what a fricking cool thing that if I do that and this is helping you in any way. It's like so lights me up on top of that. So I'm not doing this for you. It might sound selfish, but I think this is the way we should live. I'm doing it for me because I think our job on earth is to our really our real like only job is to be more and more ourselves and as we do that, we help other people become more and more of themselves. And then we're all these pieces of this like universal puzzle that just puts together in a beautiful. It's just like woven together beautifully. I'm doing it from the inside out and if you don't know this, I love you. I have so much love for people almost all people I definitely have for love for you, if you're listening.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that was the longest Minnesotan goodbye ever Probably not ever, but almost. I can't promise I won't record another episode at 11 pm, but I'll do less of it and you'll get less crazy me. Okay, goodbye. Have an amazing day. I hope it's banging. Hey you, yes you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in today. I hope this episode is supporting you on your path to becoming the strongest, shiniest version of you. My goal and hope is to continue helping people through this podcast. So if you've enjoyed this episode or taken anything that's helped you out, the best thank you would be to join me in moving this forward by doing two simple things. If you haven't already, following the podcast is very helpful. Also, apparently, the algorithms really like reviews. If you can take a minute to leave a review, artificial intelligence would love it and I would be so grateful. Feel free, of course, to share an episode with someone you think may need to hear what you heard today. Thanks again, everyone. I genuinely appreciate you and I'm so thankful to be building a community like this together here. I'll catch you later. In the meantime, have a banging day.

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