The Whole Shebang

39. Unlocking Your Genius with Daniel Regan | PART 2

Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 38

Daniel is a Personal Growth Consultant, an Ambassador for the Gene Keys Wisdom, and walks a path of shamanic mysticism. His life work is guiding purpose-driven entrepreneurs into a deeper sense of presence, magnetism, and personal power. 

Having experienced the freedom of shadow work, Daniel skillfully guides people through their own wound patterns knowing this is where all the gold resides. This is where the magic turns up in living our most aligned and synchronistic lives.

I felt such a deep grounding in this conversation with him, as well as an easy familiarity, joy, and flow. I trust you’ll feel the same when you listen, and can say with confidence (even after editing these and hearing this half a dozen times) this is a gift of a chat that keeps on giving.

Enjoy, loves xx - Jen

4:00   Co-Creating With The Universe
5:27   Destiny, Karmic Relationships, and Choice
19:29 Overcoming Fear of Judgement
23:22 Shadow Patterns and Transmutation
27:08 The Essence of Abundance
31:32  Navigating Life Transitions and Self-Discovery
41:44 The Purpose of Existence

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Instagram – @iamdanregan

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Speaker 1:

We're like divine beings, yet that light can't express itself through these dense layers that we've inherited both from our incarnation, our ancestral wounding. So our job, if we choose it and if we're on this path of personal growth and development, is to continue to surrender and to go through these death and rebirth situations.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you go through a good humbling or a good shattering, it's a chance for such a profound recalibration and shedding of your energy at a profound level Because you don't have some of the layers or some of the edges that you have before the shattering. They're not there anymore.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Whole Shebang. I'm Jen Briggs, your host. Let me tell you what you're in for here. Many of us have been running at breakneck speed, functioning mostly in our heads, and we've suffered from disconnection, burnout and lost passions. I believe it's because we functioned in part and not in whole. So we're exploring a new path, embracing intuition, creativity, playfulness and connection in all of life. It's vibrant, powerful and magnetic. So come on with me and buckle up buttercups. We're diving in. We're back after a little bit of a cliffhanger from Monday's episode.

Speaker 2:

Today you get to hear part two in my conversation with Daniel Regan. He is a personal growth consultant and ambassador for the Gene Keys. He is walking a path of shamanic mysticism and his work is deeply grounded and infused in the earth's rhythms, elements, the pulse of life. He is passionate about helping entrepreneurs dive deeper into a sense of presence, magnetism and personal power, and doesn't that sound like a delightful way to live? Needless to say, you are absolutely going to want to go back and listen to the first part of these two episodes if you haven't done that. I also want to take a minute just to punctuate the deepening. This is a 12-week course that he and Annabelle are teaching together, and I am so excited. I signed up for it and I'm ready to go into the deep. So, if you're feeling compelled to do the same, dan has so generously offered an extension to their early bird pricing, so we have a special code for the whole shebang and that is in the show notes. Dan's going to talk about that at the end of this episode as well. This is how we unlock our genius. This is how we dive into the deep and figure out our gifts and figure out what's getting in our way. So I'm excited to pull on the string and if you're feeling compelled, you should definitely check it out. It's going to be powerful, I have no doubt.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so part two we wrap up this conversation with just some light topics, like how our lives are guided by natural laws and karmic contracts, what those are. We also explore abundance, what that means to each of us, the purpose of existence in general, our unique purpose as individuals, how to tune into the body and listen to that as a source of wisdom and guidance. And, as always, there's more in here for you. I really do trust and believe. As a side note, I got a phone call from somebody that has been following me on Instagram, listened to their first episode this morning and gave me a phone call and just was like, oh my gosh, thank you. I'm sending this to people because this is going to change my life and this isn't about me. I know that, this isn't about Dan.

Speaker 2:

The work that we're doing, the things that we're sharing, is really a part of our work to help humanity evolve, to help you evolve, to find your best, to unlock your genius, and I know that if you listen to this episode, things will unlock for you today. So buckle up buttercups we're diving in. Okay, one thing you've touched on that I'd love to chat about is, um, I don't know if you said these words I'm sure I read them on your website but you've referenced this idea of surrender, or surrendered to existence, and the idea of co-creation, like if we're going to co create a life with the universe, with, do you? Do you say God? What do you? Do you say God? Uh yeah, existence. Or like, what do you? What do you believe in? Maybe let's start there.

Speaker 1:

God, god, god, god, God, yeah, yeah, I'm not. Uh, yeah, I, I can run with that.

Speaker 2:

This universe, okay so existence.

Speaker 1:

God, yeah, Do you so?

Speaker 2:

Existence, god. Yeah, do we get a say in what this life looks like?

Speaker 1:

In the little things. My answer, personally, would be in the little things, yes. In the big picture, no. Yet that's where the beauty is. What would you say to that question that you asked me?

Speaker 2:

Turn in the tables. I like this. Yeah, I like the word co-creation because I feel like it's a dance. I feel this is just my experience of life. I think that I can't deny that I'm wired a certain way, that there are certain giftings, and that the universe is bringing me all these synchronicities to show me that, through the gene keys, through human design, through these random books, through random conversations, that it's like oh, you're here, you chose to come here for a reason, at this time, with those parents, for a specific purpose. That is an orchestration with something that is so divine and so much bigger than you can comprehend. And to think that I'm like a puppet on strings feels feels like the worst thing ever.

Speaker 2:

It's like what are you just forcing me to do? Like I'm not being forced right, Like and I grew up in a religious environment, that I'm sure that I've got some wounding there and triggers there, that that, that that I resist that idea a little bit, except that I'm, but that I'm also not like I'm super in surrender, I think, as much as I can see myself objectively, like I'm in flow. But I also resist this idea that I don't, because I, you know.

Speaker 1:

It's such a good conversation because it's multilayered. This conversation and I love it because it does it just brings up okay, how much free will choice have we got? And I do believe that we do get a say in some things. You know, we get to eat what we want, we get to do what we want. You know, in some degree in my experience, uh, the, the bigger things, the big karmic contracts and relationships that are going to come into our lives, everything like that is like we don't get a say and they're they're the main ones that are going to come in to trigger our deepest things. So we evolve things. If we're surrendered, if we choose to walk this path of personal growth and development, it doesn't have to be all about, okay, growth, development, everything like that. Yet there are still rules that are built into life Like laws of nature.

Speaker 1:

Laws of nature. Laws of nature, yeah, yeah, like there's a, there's natural law that governs this reality, and it's so much greater than our little personal decisions and what we think we want a lot of the time. So, and then someone listening to this might go oh, that's you know, who are really fixated on knowing or goals or or uh, or thinking that they have full free will and you know um control over everything in their reality. This might be a bit of a triggering conversation to listen to and I'm not saying I'm right, I'm.

Speaker 1:

We're not here saying that we're right. I'm just simply telling my experience from my experience and it's not making anyone else wrong either. This is just what I've kind of discovered about existence through really deep humblings, by thinking I'm going a certain way, or thinking I know, or thinking I've got this going, it's going to be my trajectory, and all of a sudden it just goes bang, wow. And then I go through a complete shattering and then at the end of that shattering and humbled and like life wasn't as it was three days ago, and that's why. That's why, like living in the mystery and going with the flow might sound nice and easy, yet in my experience, if you're, if you're, you know, if you're doing your shadow work and doing your inner work and turning up in that way, it's the grittiest path there is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's, it's um, it's the one that die like over.

Speaker 2:

I feel like there's so much death and there's so much humbling, so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like it's. It's like there's another spin. It's, it's like there is another spin. It's like. You know, we're like divine beings, yet that light can't express itself through these dense layers that we've inherited, both from our incarnation, our ancestral wounding, everything like that. We're all carrying it and it can't express itself through. So our job, if we choose it and if we're on this path of personal growth and development, is to continue to surrender and to go through these death and rebirth situations and the shatterings and the humblings, because they're the only things that you know.

Speaker 1:

If you go through a good humbling or a good shattering, it's a chance for such a profound recalibration and a setting of your energy at a profound level, and that's why shatterings and humblings, they're a gift. They don't feel like a gift when you're in them. They feel like the worst thing on earth they can. Yet the realignment that happens after that energetically, because you don't have some of the layers or some of the edges that you have before the shattering. They're not there anymore and that's why life can then go. Oh yeah, the way is here. Okay, I'm going to go over here now, because I don't have these.

Speaker 2:

Well, all that resistance, it's all that resistance that you're living in. If you decide to like, let go to that and go through the shattering and let the ego die a bit. Yeah, that's been my experience too. Then I come out on the other side and go oh there's, it's so much lighter, physically, in a bright way, like everything feels more aligned.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that's like kind of coming back to this, the free will thing, my experience, just like. I'm looking back at my life and I'm like, oh my gosh, if I, if I can now, because now I've lived enough life 42. So now I'm like, oh, I can see how these, oh, these pieces that I could not see, how they connected even in just the last month. I'm seeing how things are coming together and I'm like my calling is my calling. I'm putting you know, I don't know what to call it, but like my calling my design, my genetic imprint, whatever it's finding me, Like it is fine, I'm not, I'm not finding it. I guess maybe I am, but I feel like it's finding me. I feel like I, just if I'm open, it's showing up and that is a wild, like you said, it's like a magical place to be, but it's. I'm touching on some edges in my life right now that I'm like, oh gosh, there's going to be some more ego death. That's going to have to happen, because people are going to think this is wild.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a hundred percent. What you're touching on there is the fact that we live in an inverted reality, where the things that we think are one way, they're completely the opposite. It's like a glove. It's like a washing up glove. It's like you think reality's way. They're completely the opposite. It's like a glove. It's like a washing-up glove.

Speaker 1:

It's like you think reality is like this and you take the glove off and it's the exact opposite of what we think it was and that's the conditioning, and that's the illusion that we live in, that's the mire that we live in and breaking out of that is a fascinating process. It's profound, because we live in this illusory reality that it's a trip.

Speaker 2:

It is a trip. We're here for a trip.

Speaker 1:

It's a trip. It's like the 31st janky at all hold on, let's see here my wait.

Speaker 2:

Which one do you want to know? Just any of them, if I have number what?

Speaker 1:

just if you do, you have the 31 at all yes, I do where does it sit? What sphere?

Speaker 2:

in my venus, um my? How can I tell it's attraction right up from purpose?

Speaker 1:

okay, you've got it in your attractor field.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what does that mean?

Speaker 1:

you, uh, you gotta love a humbling that's in my path. Humbling is in my path yeah, well, that well the thing that I just felt to bring this up. And there you go, but it's the 31, so this is this will give. May I talk into this 31st?

Speaker 2:

yes, please, I welcome it okay, uh.

Speaker 1:

So as an example, the 31st jinky has the the of arrogance, which some of these shadow names we don't really want to own fully. So the gene key is the 31st and it's got the shadow of arrogance, gift of leadership and the city of humility. So the highest frequency of this genetic archetype is that of humility, that's the enlightened state of this genetic archetype is that of humility, that's the enlightened state, but the shadow of arrogance is a tricky one, because we're blind to our own arrogance by design, and we're blind to our own arrogance because our ego won't let us see it.

Speaker 1:

So the only way that we can actually see our own arrogance is through humbling goody goody gumdrops. So good luck with that. But there's a beauty in it, though there's a. I joke when I say that good luck with that I know, yeah, um, I.

Speaker 1:

There's a beauty in that, though, because if you can accept a humbling fully and completely and you can accept that humiliation that comes with a humbling at times because a lot of the times, we will get humbled in front of people that we love and care about most and actually care what they think of us most, and so humblings can be very intense, yet they can be a really beautiful shattering process for a program or a pattern that we weren't aware of before the humbling occurred. And if, during that humbling process, we can own an account for everything that's ours to own, it's like oh yeah, that was a dick move there. I said the wrong thing there. I was mean there, I projected my stuff there, whatever it is, whatever it is that then led to the humbling.

Speaker 1:

If we can go, if we can put our hand up and say you know what I did, this, this, I'm really sorry, apologise if necessary to the other people or the person involved and say, yeah, look, I'm owning it all, that's where we get the biggest alchemy from our humblings. Yeah, if there's a denial or a or or, we try and like, or if we're dishonest about the humbling, or we try and get out of it to save face, or our ego then clicks back into. Then you know we're kind of rebuilding a pattern that just wanted to get, that was just that just got deconstructed and blown apart. The ego can start to build it back up if we're not on to. Okay, this is a humbling. This is maybe a bit of an initiation process for me. How can I turn up the best within it?

Speaker 2:

And how can?

Speaker 1:

I show up for myself and for the other people involved and own everything that I can within it, and then we get the gold out of the humbling. So humblings are actually they're a great gift. There's a bit of an art form in the ownership of them, though, but that's what that 31 is all about. So everyone with that 31 has leadership, which is the gift. So all leadership potential in this context is underlined by arrogance. So leaders are here to be humbled over and over and over again until they're leaders of humility, like true humility. And true humility it's not like this false humility, it's. It's like a it's. It's like an embodied humility, and it doesn't care if other people think that you're humble, it doesn't. It's on that. Yeah, false humility that comes. Oh, be humble, it's this and that it's like nah, that's all superficial, but it's a beautiful key, that 31.

Speaker 2:

And just when you started talking, when we touched on humblings but you were talking about something else and I I got a bit curious, just to uh I don't remember what I was taught, oh, that I'm coming up up against some edges right now, that, um, that I, that I feel like are gonna just continue to break my ego, you know, and my, my purpose is um eight. So I was reflecting on that last night too, just because I feel like a lot of this is just like I need to just really be me. Who am I and can I be that, no matter what anybody thinks? And that's not, you know. I feel like I've arrived and then I'm like, oh no, there's another thing like, oh, she's.

Speaker 2:

Ah, you serious, I'm going to have to talk about Mary Magdalene, and all my old church friends are going to think I'm a, you know, prostitute or something, just coming up against these weird. I'm like, oh, I guess there's still more there, you know, and I think I don't care what people think. And then there's a little corner there that's like, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

That's so good that you touched on that, caring what people think. But, as a reflection, I've known you for the best part of three days. Reflection, I've known you for the best part of three days. The way that you embody this gift of style is great, like you embody the gift of style.

Speaker 1:

Do I Thank you oh 100%, because that eighth key is you know it's compromise and mediocrity. The two shadows, the eight and the fourth, they're programming partners. Yep, so you to be so what I perceive to be so fully self-expressed and willing to be transparent and willing to have your own style, which was the first thing that struck me about you. It's like, oh wow, who's this? She's not holding back and you really exhibit that gift of your own style, because you aren't here to walk the path like other people. You know you can do similar things, but your trajectory, like everyone's trajectory, we've got our own sweet spot and that's not like anyone else's sweet spot. So you embody that gift really well.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you, I received that, yeah, yeah, it's been a journey what's the? Word that we said.

Speaker 1:

Right, you just said ride, uh, trip, it's been a trip and to me in my experience as well, caring what other people think has been one of the biggest learning deconstructions. Get to the bottom of that. It just kept on. It's probably one of the biggest themes that I've worked through in my personal development is to get what anyone else thinks and just to stand in my truth and it's like, okay, and I'm a lot better than I used to be, but I still have the pins. It's like, oh, I wonder how this is going to come off and this, and I care less than I've ever cared. Um, yet it's a trip. It's a, it's a real trip. We, we because we as human beings, we do care what other people think of us.

Speaker 2:

Well, and finding and finding the difference between for me, it's like I love, like I want to embody love the difference between loving people, loving humanity and caring what they think they feel like they can be connected at times, but they don't need to be connected at all to be like I'm going to show up fully as who I am and you don't have. You don't have to like me back, you don't have to agree with what I'm saying. Um, I guess maybe there's a little bit of a perception that, like, if, if I'm coming off a certain way, do I, do I burn a bridge with people? Maybe that's a little bit of what's there too, that it's like, oh, if they can't receive my style, receive me as who I am, that I'm cutting off some, some ability to communicate. Like I have this conflict between wanting to reach people where they're at and so then compromising who I am to reach them where they're at versus fully standing in who I am and letting them be on their path. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You articulated that, how those two shadows of mediocrity and compromise oh yes. I did yeah, See how see how it just comes through, because these are the streams of consciousness in which you inhabit. So it's like oh, and that's where I would compromise and fall into mediocrity. So that's how, and that's an example, too, of how the shadow patterns reinforce each other. It's like they're closed. So, for example, do you want me to talk into this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, please sure interesting enough.

Speaker 1:

We're following the flow so they're every, so that, getting back to the gene keys, there are 64 gene keys and 32 pairings. So and and what you've just spoken into I can use that as a great example is the, the eighth key and the 14th key, which sit in your radiance and your purpose. They're programming partners, so they're literally programmed to reinforce each other at the shadow, both for the personal, both for the, for the, for the human and in the collective field. So, everywhere we live in this collective field of these shadows, but then personally, that's the combination that you're dealing with and what the shadows do and, by the way, they reinforce each other. So as you become aware of one shadow and raise the frequency of that, you raise it more under the gift and you automatically raise the other. They reinforce each other at the higher frequency as well, not just the shadow.

Speaker 1:

What's interesting about the shadow is these are like closed circuit loop patterns. So at the shadow, the, the shadows are like the mediocrity and the compromise. They're just going like this and they're running the show. If there's no awareness of them, yeah, as your awareness penetrates them, it, it's like it circuit breaks them. It's like oh, I see you, that's how compromise works in my reality and you, you literally circuit break them. And when you circuit break, when you break a circuit, the energy that was used to reinforce the shadow and drive the human and the collective along that gets broken. And the energy gets to be used in the frequencies, like that kinetic charge that was used to keeping the shadow down and reinforced, that expresses itself out into the world. That's where the dynamic tension just gets to express itself, but it needs to penetrate in order to do so and that's alchemy, right, I mean that's part of that process yes, we landed that plane

Speaker 1:

that's what, that's what transportation is, that's what that's, that's how and that's how we alchemise. That's a really good example of how we alchemise the shadow. It's through awareness. And then you effortlessly just spoke about yeah, and that's where I would compromise, because you've been living these themes out your whole life and you so effortlessly articulated how they both run, which I then reflected back to you to say, oh, see what you did there. You just described to me how that 8-14 combination works. How beautiful. Yeah, and that's what I was talking more about the jinkies. I didn't wow anyone with my explanation.

Speaker 2:

You just did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just did, and if I didn't this time, well, you might want to do what else. I'll go and explore them. Wow, but that's that and that's what pops open through a conversation, through the keys or through, you know, through, through connecting the dots of our own mystery and our own template. And that's why there's such a profound technology, because, like, over and over again, something will pop like that and it's like, oh, that is that. And then when we express ourselves, we don't know what we know until we know at times, or we speak something out and it just drops out of our mouth. It's like, oh, that was there. So it's, it's an interesting, but it's so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

It is Okay, I have a random question for you and I know how are you doing on time.

Speaker 1:

I'm great, I'm, I'm, I'm cool, I'm loving it.

Speaker 2:

You're good. Yeah, okay, me too. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

What else do you want to talk about, jennifer Briggs?

Speaker 2:

I love that you used my full name, Daniel Regan.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, though, and I think the listeners may agree, that some names are better together. Jennifer Briggs is one of those names.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I need to start going by Jennifer. Maybe this is a part of my. I was Jenny in high school and then I went to Jen when I wanted to be a big girl.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, maybe I need to move back to Jennifer. Jennifer has never been. Maybe this is the new thing, Jennifer.

Speaker 1:

Briggs. I think, jennifer Briggs, there's a power in calling back your name, like invoking that name. Yeah, the name back, because I was similar. I got to age 10 and I wanted to be Dan, dan the man until about 10 years ago, and I actually went through this process of and people can call me.

Speaker 2:

Dan Daniel, I don't mind, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

There was a real power to recalling my birth name back in and actually owning that, because I had in some ways, in a subtle way, disowned that name Daniel and put it to the back burner to be what everything was then, for what 25 years. And then to call that back, even if it's you know you don't have to make a whole thing of it, but it's just an interesting thing, the synchronicities and the reflections that show I'm making a thing of it.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna get a symbol for my name. We're gonna get some hieroglyphics. Throw a party.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be the jennifer brinks party it's good and everything going to get a cake, why not?

Speaker 2:

The whole shebang. I'm getting the whole shebang. Okay, this is a random question. I was. It doesn't matter where it came from, but, um, talk to me about abundance.

Speaker 1:

What does abundance mean to you? Where did that?

Speaker 2:

come from.

Speaker 1:

What does abundance mean to you? Where did that come from?

Speaker 2:

I was writing this morning and I was like what should I ask? And the question was what is abundance to you and what does it feel like to live in?

Speaker 1:

abundance, I'd say getting all of my needs met. What does living in abundance mean? No, I didn't articulate that properly. I've been going through. This is not a straight answer with me. It seems I've been going through more recently being grateful for what I actually do have and seeing the abundance around me. Other than abundance money.

Speaker 1:

Abundance means because generally, I would say, a lot of humans say give me more abundance, and but I would say that that's connected to money. Yet I would say abundance for me is a really healthy, vibrant, alive body, because everything starts with our bodies and if I feel great in my body, if I'm eating the right foods and taking the right supplements and training and doing the right things, I will feel all the abundance that I need to feel I'm fortunate enough to live in a reality where I do get most of my needs met. I don't fly business class everywhere, yet Give me more abundance. Give me more abundance. Give me more money. I can actually do that. I'd love that. That's a goal. Speaking of goals Goals that I've banished before that's a goal. Yeah, that would be my answer for now. What would you say? Do the same question, jennifer, please.

Speaker 2:

I just keep saying my name Go ahead. I think that resonates with me and I would probably add to it. I think I'm like in the middle of a lot of life transition. I'm, as you're familiar with. I'm moving, my oldest daughter is graduating, my job came to an end, there's a lot of unknown and I am finding myself in more gratitude and joy than I have ever been in my entire life. Like I fall asleep. It's. I'm like witnessing myself having these thoughts and feelings where I fall asleep and then I catch myself just actually thinking like oh, this, and like gratitude and joy, and that feels so fucking good. It just feels so good to feel good. Um, and I have done. I've been in the dark, like I've been through a shattering, I've been through some of those things, so maybe that's, maybe that's a piece of that. I've also been.

Speaker 2:

You know, I grew up with like that religious mindset around money and resources, that to like distance yourself from it and that it would this idea that it had power. And I just don't think it has power and I I don't have my quote unquote mind around money, but I had, I've had these experiences of like I feel like, if there's anyone I can be safe to say this to it's you, but like, what is oneness right, and what is oneness with money, what is oneness with any resource that we have and like. So I'm like, well, what does that feel like If money doesn't have power? If it's infinite, like love is infinite, what does that look like? What is that? I don't know, so I'm so, I don't really have an, I'm not attaching money to abundance, but I also don't want to exclude it from. Does that make sense? Yeah, 100%, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I like that frame and I would actually answer with the first part of your answer. In my reality too, as a reflection, when I'm feeling like that, like when I'm on the ball, when I'm when like working on certain projects or around certain people and and active with things that I love to do, and go to bed looking forward to waking up the next day, even if that's I can't wait to train the next day, like it's like that, that thing, but then that that's abundance for me, that texture of that, except it's hard to go to sleep when I'm like that.

Speaker 2:

So my go-to has been Tylenol PM lately. I'm like I don't know what's happening. It's hormonal, I don't know, but I'm not sleeping the best.

Speaker 1:

I just wish it was tomorrow already. I like that. I'll use that as my answer next time someone asks me. I don't think anyone's ever asked me that, which is why it's like oh, where did that come from? It's an interesting, it's an interesting one. That's like, yeah, where did that come from? It's an interesting one.

Speaker 2:

That's like yeah, I like that. Okay, good, it's kind of random, it is random. Is there anything else that's on your heart or mind that we haven't talked about?

Speaker 1:

I think resistance is I just had a note next to it because I didn't get back onto it when we were on the thread but I think when we were talking about the ease and the flow going with the flow and the tensionality that we, I've been training, I've been I'm in Tulum right now and there's this place called the Jungle Gym, right, and it's great because it's just got rope. I love functional movement, so it's got ropes and you lift these rocks with the rope and it's all like really like primal, I love that. But I've been playing around with in the last couple of weeks, going every day because normally I would train for a couple of hours and then have a day off a couple of hours. A couple of weeks, um, going every day because normally I would train for a couple of hours and then have a day off a couple hours. But I've been I've been noticing that I've been moving through the threshold of like I need a rest day or uh, you know those things that can happen from the mind. It's like oh, and the justification of not training.

Speaker 1:

And I do believe because I see, yeah, and I have like exhausted myself in my physical training before, so that I'm exploring. My current exploration is that fine line between what we tell ourselves is right for us and what our body actually wants and what my body is. Through my experience, at the moment, what my body wants to is to train every single day. I've had a day, I had a day off yesterday, but it's like it's an interesting. It's an interesting exploration, um, because a lot of the time it's just laziness or lethargy. I wouldn't say laziness, I don't think they're laziness, lethargy, but a threshold that my body wants to move through. And when I move through that, that's when I get the feeling of abundance, that's when I get the feeling I've finished a training session and I feel great. It's like jumping in a cold ocean or an ice bath.

Speaker 2:

You're going to feel better every single time you get out of that, but it's just going through the. That's your experience Really After you get out. I mean, I don't know, I guess I do. I actually this is maybe this is in my head, but I read a study about how women's bodies are different than men and like the cold plunge thing is more advantageous for men than women. It feels like, yeah, I got it. I feel like I conquered a hard thing, but in the meantime my body's just like but.

Speaker 1:

I think your point of of?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I don't think it's. I think it's really important for us as humans to not overlook the value of tuning into our body all the time, like because this may be a season in your life when you're breaking through a thing, and there I know that there are times when I'm like, oh, I need, I need that. And there are times when I'm pushed my body to the point of it breaking and injury and I'm like I wasn't listening to the fact that I did need rest. But that's where it's. Such a individual like your body, knows your intuition, like you know, you know that like, ooh, there's a breakthrough on the other side of this, and to go to go into that, knowing that and follow that would you call like a craving. Does it feel like a craving to train right now? Kind of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I do, I, I would, I would call it that, and I've been through and, and I have been through phases like you say.

Speaker 1:

It's like where I, my body, doesn't need that, but I think when we're, when we get in certain headsets, sometimes and this is from experience as well it's like sometimes the hard onon-ourselves pattern that we have, the hard-on-ourself pattern that we have, can drive us into more of a harsh schedule or a routine that doesn't support us at all. Yeah, and especially during times of deep initiations or going through the deeper layers of our shadow or our process, you know, sometimes it's highly beneficial to move our energy and move our bodies, but a lot of the time as well, and it's up to the individual the body just needs rest and it needs gentleness, because gentleness can be such a foreign phenomenon and as a man, it's. Yeah, in my experience too, being a man, gentleness and softness have been foreign, kind of energies that weren't a part of my early life at all. But that's what's required a lot of the time as well, and a mixture of both. But only the individual knows.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

As we tune into our bodies more and give the mind a bit of a break.

Speaker 2:

It seems like too simple of a way to put like it's just smack a label on my life experience, but it really lately has been like, oh, this is what adventure is Like. I don't really know, I don't know. Like if I could just like put a bow on it, it's like I don't know where this trail is leading. I'm going to turn around the corner and see where it's going, you know. Like I don't really I don't know what my body's going to need next month, but the proper right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I want to lift heavy weights or, and I really need yoga feels really nourishing, or so just like following all these little things and at least right now for me, I'm in this season of excitement, feeling like it is an adventure, like Ooh, what's around the corner, you know, and what's going to happen. If, for, for, like you, like what's going to, what's going to happen or what's going to unfold as a result of me leaning into this thing or pushing my body this way, or like those reading this Mary Magdalene book, that I'm like, oh, my gosh, what's going to happen, it feels like real adventure. And you, I mean, you're the person that I know right now in my life. I'm going to say that I know you now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it does, doesn't it yeah?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know if this will feel like a compliment or not to you. I mean, it is a compliment, but like you're living an adventure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, more than anyone else I know. Yeah, it is. It is that. And there's so much unknown in this adventure too. That is a it's been a bit of an art form to come into more mastery of. Actually. I was talking to my daughter about this not long ago about a week ago actually and her perception of me and kind of how I view myself and where life takes me as I surrender, it's like it's got this whole plan that it's. And over the years I surrender, it's like it's got this whole plan that it's. And over the years I've let go of my attachments, um, and, and let go of my need to control life, and life just takes me on these wild adventures, like wild adventures, and it keeps on doing so and the more I surrender, the more awesome it gets and the more awesome people come in, like you just chiming into my inbox oh, friend, because that's how it feels, because you get to have these connections and these adventures.

Speaker 1:

Yet the level of the unknown and the mystery at times, personally, for me, is a little bit challenging when, when there's, when there's there's nothing, like there's nothing at all, there's no plan, like my retreat schedules come to an end and now I've got, uh, my next real thing there's. There's some things that may be happening in europe and then in the coming months, but nothing's like set. So there's nothing set until August, where I've got my next retreat kind of plan or I've got my online commitment, stuff like that. But generally my life opens up these portals of space and in that space can be anything can emerge, like the parts that we talked about before, like the polarities of like oh, they're giving up pieces, oh, I didn't know that would still was still there, or all these bits I can explore before a more structured period. So because tomorrow it's it's interesting that you say that because change is just so embedded in my reality and it's in my template as well it's kind of locked in that there's always going to be this change and it's my ability to flow with these changes and life can then change like that. So I'm talking to you from this hotel in Tulum today and life can just I might be somewhere completely different tomorrow. And that's what I love about the surrender experiment, or surrendering to this journey and just being being able to be moved around.

Speaker 1:

Because even in that karmic relationships piece, if you think, I believe that there's, there's big karmic relationships and they're going to come into our reality at certain. So there's, there's a person that there might be a man or a woman, whatever floats your boat is is is circling around like this in the orbit. And then one day it's like that. But if you've got two people who are like this and controlling their environment, their reality, in completely different places in the world, existence is going to have its way again. And if it's going to pull these people around to have a meeting and it's not only karmic relationships, obviously it's well, it is, but it doesn't have to be the intimate relationships. But there's things that existence wants us to experience and if we're in the flow of that experience and if we're doing our inner work and we're showing up and showing up to life and embracing the challenge that life throws ahead of us, it's going to be able to do that with so much more ease.

Speaker 2:

All right, I have the biggest existential question for you ever. This, so we can end here how's this, you said. You said, if existence won't, I mean we come back, coming back to this idea of that that there's a greater orchestration, that existence has a purpose. If I can put it in those terms, what's the purpose, or like, what's our purpose, for existence?

Speaker 1:

What's our purpose existing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe this is two questions what's our purpose existing and what's the greatest purpose? If existence has a purpose, what is it?

Speaker 1:

To evolve. There you go. That would be my answer to the big one, to the personal purpose to be in our physical bodies, to be stable, centered and set in our physical vehicles and to bring all of the consciousness into these vehicles. That's what I would say our greatest purpose is, rather than something out there. As you know, people can go looking for purpose out out there, yet I don't believe it's out there at all.

Speaker 1:

I think our greatest purpose is to be and to be comfortable, set and stable in our physical bodies is a that's that takes work, because being in these physical bodies demands like if we, if we want to be anchored and and and stable in our physicalities and our emotional bodies and our mental bodies, that takes work and that's the work, and what shadow work can do. For one who's willing to go there is create the space to be able to do that, to work through the layers of anxiety and numbness and shame and rejection that we all have. We all have these wounds and if we can have contact with that and work through them and accept them and embrace them, our life can change and be a really beautiful yet gritty experience. But that's where it's at for me. I want to ask you the same what's your Thank you for?

Speaker 2:

asking me. Thank you for asking me. Um, yeah, I would say the purpose, the purpose that existence has is to evolve. I don't know to what end. I just think there's this, we see it in all of nature. It's when you think about personal alchemy, and like transformation, it's all. It's transmuting to a higher, higher resonance. There's something, I guess.

Speaker 2:

So evolution, um, on the personal level and this is just speaking like from my experience um, I've distilled my, like my existence on this earth. I've distilled my, like my existence on this earth. It seems really weird to say that. But to a couple of things, one, I think, part of my purpose is, I'm going to say learning, but to me that is evolution. It's like I came here to learn something, right, and and that is what this whole, everything we've talked about, this process of going into the dark, um, engaging with our shadows, transmuting, evolving, learning, growing, that's a piece of it. And then I think the other part for me is pleasure. I came here to also just be, to have joy, to experience life like no other creature on this planet gets to experience, or, if there are other beings outside of this planet like we get to have a human experience in these human bodies, and to me a part of that is really um it's pleasure in all of the things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's twofold. Yeah that's why I'm here just like a little adventure, a big adventure, big trip yeah, yeah, big trip down for briggs.

Speaker 1:

It's uh you. You asked some very thought-provoking questions, good I like it, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Um, okay, before we let you go, I want to share with people the program you have coming up. Can you talk a little bit about that and where they can find you?

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can find me at danreganco. That's my website. You can find me at Instagram. I am Dan Regan and we do have we as in my friend work colleague, annabelle Vizcarra. She'd be a good one for the podcast. She's a powerhouse and she's also been in the Gene Keys transmission for over a decade and is really into her shadow work, growth, all of the things.

Speaker 1:

And we're actually running a program called the deepening, starting on the 5th of june. So only by the time this comes out, maybe a week to go um and it's going into the deepest aspects of the gene keys um profile. And so you're going through a journey. It's a three-month journey, 12 weeks with us in a small, intimate container and uh it's, it's going to be beautiful. We've we've run a lot of uh, different containers over the years and they've been eight-week containers and this is the. This is the biggest and deepest and juiciest offering that we've had so far. So if you're curious about shadow work, curious about wound work, curious about the gene keys, please check that out. And the early bird actually finishes today at the recording day. Yeah, I've got a discount code to keep this early bird open for anyone who's listening to this episode and friends of Jennifer Briggs is put in the code PODERLYBIR into that uh website that you'll be able to put that website yeah, I'll put in the show notes experiential wisdom, teachingscom.

Speaker 1:

experiential wisdom, teachingscom the deepening, and pod early bird, and you'll get the early bird special to join us. So, yeah, we'd love to get one who's resonating with me, or Annabelle's work. Yeah, along for the ride, because it's going to be really juicy.

Speaker 2:

I love these. We love juicy. We love juicy on the whole shebang, if you want the juice that comes with the guys.

Speaker 1:

It's the place where all the juice is.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, Daniel. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your time um. This has been like such a gift of a conversation thank you, jennifer.

Speaker 1:

I hope people get a lot out of it.

Speaker 2:

Thank you they will, as always. Thank you for tuning in. I hope that this episode is supporting you in becoming your most whole self so that you can lead your most full life. You are definitely worthy and deserving of that. All of the resources that we shared today are going to be linked in the show notes. You can check those out there, along with ways that you can connect with us If you've got questions or feedback or people that you think we should reach out to to highlight their story on the whole shebang podcast. In the meantime, please be sure to hit that follow button so you don't miss a beat. Share this episode or any others with those that you think could benefit from this conversation, and you can do the podcast a huge favor by leaving a five star review In the meantime. I hope that you have a fantastic banging day. We'll see you next time. Thank you.

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