The Whole Shebang

38. Unlocking Your Genius with Daniel Regan | PART 1

Jen Briggs Season 1 Episode 37

Daniel Regan, my friends, has cultivated so much wisdom in his life and he's sharing it with us today.  He is a Personal Growth Consultant, an Ambassador for the Gene Keys Wisdom, and walks a path of shamanic mysticism. His work is deeply grounded and infused with the earth's rhythms, elements and the pulse of life.... 

and Holy Smokes...  I'm pretty sure I stepped into a river recently, and I'm while I'm not in over my head, the current is moving along quickly and Daniel Regan is in that flow. What an honor to have such a meaningful conversation with him. 

We move through shadow work, and wounding patterns, to unlocking our unique genius, and go on to discuss a myriad of all the juiciest topics! Check out the chapter markings below for a vibe on our chat which is just PART 1 of 2. 

Also, be sure to scroll down for a special gift and limited time offer from Dan!

I'm in awe of how the Universe is orchestrating events like this, and I'm trusting if you're here and listening, this is for you too.  xx - Jen

6:43   Say hello to Dan
9:16   Wounds, Shadows, and Finding Freedom
14:00  Gene Keys and Unlocking our Gifts
19:41  The Process of Alchemizing Emotions
30:00   Navigating Shame and Numbness in Relationships
39:16   Exploring Inner Giving Up and Hope
55:07   Divine Alignment and Surrender in Life

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Instagram – @iamdanregan

The Deepening (3 Month Online Immersion)
** Check out for the 'lateearlybird' with code PODEARLYBIRD** 

Download Jen's FREE Top 25 book list (Shebang Shelf)
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The Whole Shebang Instagram

Speaker 1:

You're not in the sweet spot of synchronicity and the magic and the flow, because the magic is in the unknown. Yet the large portion of humanity and humans don't live in the magic, because we're petrified of the unknown, because what's in the unknown, all of our fears and all of the things that we don't want to look at, that's what's in the unknown. But when we start to revel in the unknown, every day is a mystery and it's magic and there's synchronicity and the right people show up at the right time and all of these things start to happen because we let go of the reins.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Whole Shebang. I'm Jen Briggs, your host. Let me tell you what you're in for here. Many of us have been running at breakneck speed, functioning mostly in our heads, and we've suffered from disconnection, burnout and lost passions. I believe it's because we functioned in part and not in whole. So we're exploring a new path, embracing intuition, creativity, playfulness and connection in all of life. It's vibrant, powerful and magnetic. So come on with me and buckle up buttercups we're diving in. Hello, sunshines, I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

I've got a couple of little surprises for you today. First of all, normally on Mondays, as you know, we do mini bangs, and this is not going to be mini. It's going to be big and full and juicy, so good. So I had the honor of having a chat with Daniel Regan last week and we had there was so much in there. It was about an hour and 45 minutes long and I could not cut any of it out. So we're splitting that into two and you get part one today and part two is going to be in just a couple of days for you as well. So that's surprise numero uno, surprise number two. That I considered waiting to tell you until the end of this episode, but I'm one of those people when I get like a present on Christmas, I once I see it sitting there, it's actually more giving. When I'm giving a gift, I'm just like open it now, open it now. So instead of making you wait for surprise number two, I'm going to tell you what it is now.

Speaker 2:

So Dan and a woman named Annabelle Vizcarra are leading a 12 week course called the deepening. He's going to talk about that more on part two. I want to tell you a little bit about what it is right now. So he is a ambassador for the Gene Keys wisdom, which is you'll hear him talk about what it is in this episode. I'm going to butcher explaining it. I did some work with the Gene Keys last fall and didn't actually know that this was the work that he did when I invited him to be on the podcast. I thought he was just simply in personal growth and development, and now, man, it's so much more. So him and Annabelle are leading this 12-week course called the Deepening. I'm going to put more information in the show notes. He has extended graciously the early bird pricing to us at the Whole Shebang and has given us a code for that. So I'm going to include that code in the show notes, along with where you can sign up if you're feeling compelled to do that, and let me just tell you I signed up for it. I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the third thing that I just want to share with you, because this feels like magic to me and I want you all to start seeing these serendipitous synchronistic moments in your life, and so I want to share with you again. I like felt this ping to reach out to Dan, knew enough about him to be like oh, we're in alignment. He'd be a great guest on the podcast. Didn't really know he did the gene keys and didn't know who Annabelle Vizcarra was. So when I knew that they were co-leading the class, I of course went and looked at her Instagram and was like no freaking way.

Speaker 2:

Two things she's on the Mary Magdalene path like deep. She knows the things. She is a wise, like womb priestess, and one of her good friends is the author of the book that I am devouring right now, called the Magdalene mysteries. This is the stuff you can't make up, folks. When you pull on a thread and you are brave enough to do the thing, that feels like am I going to cold? Like cold, call this guy on his Instagram chats Yep, I am, and here's where we are. So, um, that's so fun.

Speaker 2:

Okay, today in this episode you're going to get a lot of good stuff. I'm going to give you a quick overview, I'm going to tell you about who Daniel is and then we're diving in. So you're going to hear today about how exploring the shadow can truly lead to some personal freedom and relief from suffering in your life. He's going to explain what the gene keys are, how they're a map to really unlocking our gifts and understanding our shadows and wounds. He helps explain what alchemy is and how we do that in our bodies. He talks about how to reduce numbness and what that looks like in our society right now. We speak to what the collective energy is and what's happening there, about a bit of an underlying feeling that's happening with some around the world, of this gentle feeling of wanting to give up and what to do with that. When we have that feeling. We talk about goals versus not having goals and surrendering in life to the magic and synchronicity and more. If that wasn't enough, there's so much here, okay, daniel Regan.

Speaker 2:

He is a personal growth consultant and an ambassador for the Gene Keys wisdom Since 2008,. His journey of personal development has involved a series of journeys and initiations that led him to an intimate understanding of the unconscious shadow mechanisms and the personal and collective wound patterns that are part of humanity's storyline. At this time, dan specializes in anchoring mission-driven entrepreneurs and groups into a deeper sense of presence, magnetism and personal power, achieved through owning, deconstructing and integrating the unique shadows and wound constructs that are waiting to be revealed, accepted and liberated in this life. He walks a path of shamanic mysticism, and his work is deeply grounded and infused with the earth's rhythms, elements and the pulse of life. All right, loves, buckle up or, as Dan would say, giddy up, buttercup, enjoy, daniel. Thank you for joining me and taking the time.

Speaker 1:

I know this is a really random kind of request out of the blue. It was. I was just saying, before you hit the record button, that it was perfect timing that you'd landed in my Insta messages on a video which is always nice most of the time but there was a familiarity with you that I thought oh, this chick's pretty vibey, this chick woman is vibey, and I like the word shebang.

Speaker 2:

Do you?

Speaker 1:

The vibe yeah, the whole shebang. The whole shebang is like a. It sounds more like an Aussie thing, does it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the whole shebang. The whole shebang is like it sounds like more like an Aussie thing, but you-.

Speaker 2:

Does it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the whole shebang. It's probably known universally, but yeah, I found that pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

Oh cool, good. Well, I was like kind of unsure about if I should name it that and lately I've just been running this experiment in my life of literally just like checking with my gut and seeing what feels good and I'm like, oh yeah, that feels good, I'm going to just go with it. So I'm glad you liked it. All right, daniel, I know you from reading your website and reading your Instagram, but of course I don't know. You know you and the listeners are going to get to know you. How would you introduce yourself?

Speaker 1:

How would?

Speaker 1:

I introduce myself. My name is Dan Regan. I'm a personal growth consultant and ambassador for the Gene Keys Wisdom. I've been running retreats in mexico recently, so I'm actually now in tulum, which is uh treating me well and uh, I'm I'm passionate about the shadow, the shadow work and bringing the unconscious conscious and, uh, exploring those realms and that's been my journey for the last 15, 16 years is going to the depths to find my own freedom and relief from and a bit of resolution for my own suffering, my own journey, my own early years, and that's turned into my life's work or my experience where I can facilitate others in, yeah, understanding their shadow nature and understanding how to embody their gifts that they inherited in this lifetime coming through.

Speaker 2:

There's so much already, like right there, I could ask a dozen questions. When I think about going into the shadow, or think about going into the dark or I imagine people that haven't been there I imagine that there's some resistance to going into the dark or like going into the shadow, maybe not for everybody, because there's so much unknown, there's so much fear, probably and we're using the word dark, which, if you haven't experienced it, can feel scary, but I like that you started out by saying, like you found your freedom there. Can you talk a little bit more about that? Like for the people that might be scared of this work? Talk to me about the freedom and the dark.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, okay, that that really is where I found my my freedom. Actually, I'd spent my earlier years and through my teens and my 20s where there was a lot of inner, inner anguish, I would say there was a lot of internal suffering and uh and turmoil, and I escaped a lot through alcohol and drugs and partying all through my teens and twenties. And then it came a time when I was 29 in my Saturn return, that the wheels fell off and they fell off worse than they'd fallen off, which I had some pretty spectacular fall-offs during my life. I made the decision to move to the west coast of Australia from the east coast because I didn't know anyone there, because I'd tried to move up and down the coast and change my ways over the years and it just didn't work for me. And I went out to the west Coast and I attended a workshop by a guy called Michael Rowland. He's passed now, but he had a whole Indian lineage. He used to follow the gurus and stuff like that. I remember within two weeks of landing in Perth I got a job over there. So I just moved everything there and started fresh and started cleaning my act up and I started listening.

Speaker 1:

I kept on hearing this ad on the radio on this guy saying do you ever wonder why your life is the way that it is? And I was like yeah, do you ever wonder why you can't change? And you want it. I was like yeah. So I actually went, I went to this, went to this seminar that this bloke, this random guy and I didn't mean anything personal development, I wasn't tapped, I didn't know anything outside the dimension of I'm Dan, I'm this and this is my physicality.

Speaker 1:

I had no thing of higher selves or spirit or anything like that. I was very in that realm. And one of the first things he did at this seminar, which I just felt so out of place at, was it was on this board and he he drew, you know, the iceberg and it's got the iceberg and out of the water he said this is why you can't change. And that's the moment that clicked for me. I went oh, that's, that's why I can't change. It's this subconscious, unconscious business that's actually running the story of my whole life. And once I understood that, that's the moment that for me it's like, oh well, I've got to get to the bottom of that. And what a mammoth task that is.

Speaker 2:

How do I get to the bottom of this? How do I get to the bottom of this?

Speaker 1:

How do I get to the bottom of that, and that's been my journey, and it doesn't end Yet. That's where I've found that all of the gold resides inside, but also in the places where we fear most. So wherever there's fear, that's where our task is to find and uproot that fear. So we're actually not running from the fear.

Speaker 2:

I've been using this phrase just like intuitively, like pain, pain is the pathway, or this idea that, like fear is the compass, and it's so counterintuitive and maybe that's not even the right way of putting it. It actually feels intuitive when you start tuning into that, knowing that like, oh okay, I've got to walk into this and that experience of I don't know, for me it's been like a tunnel. It's like you go in and then it's so dark and then you see this pinprick of light and you're like, oh, there's something on the other side of this and um, and I'm like describing it in kind of an ethereal way, but how would you, how would you describe that experience for you? Or like, how would you coach somebody that hasn't been there before? It's like what do they do on a practical level to start facing fear?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's where I first. Yeah, it's interesting and that's why I've found the gene keys, which we'll we'll talk about G keys, genetic keys. They're actually keys for to unlock our genes and our genius. They're actually keys to unlock our genes and our genius. That's where I found it to be a priceless tool, because if anyone can go to genekeyscom, download their free profile and basically that gives you a map of all of your shadows that you're here and incarnated in with, so they're all your themes, but they're all the shadow themes, but they're all the higher frequencies. Here, too, like they're they're. They list the most enlightened state that we're here to bring to the earth and all of our gifts that we're here to embody. But underneath everything is the shadow that requires us to know and own and alchemize in order to actually body into that. Yeah, that's what these have been. Uh, you know, one of the most predominant things in my journey that I've been journeying with for over a decade, that just there's no end, because the shadow has no end. It's quite amazing.

Speaker 2:

Little side note. And then I want to jump into the gene keys. I so I said a little bit of this before we hit the record button. But I was looking at your Instagram and it's talking about transmutation and alchemy and like fears and all this stuff. I was like cool, cool, cool, yeah, like yes, I'm all about all that. And then I dug deeper. I'm like, oh, he's into gene keys. I had sort of forgot I. Um, now I'm blanking on his name the gene keys, like the guy that wrote the book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, richard. So I bought a couple of. I bought had the Venus sequence and the other one just like the classes to take through. And so I did a bunch of work with the gene keys last fall, yeah, and so it was like, oh, so I stayed up late last night like reviewing all the notes that I had taken on my own gene keys. I was like what are my shadows again? Oh yeah, but, funny enough, like I had set it aside, cause I go through these cycles of learning where I'm like saturated and then I'm like this is all I can get right now and then I just need to walk it out. So I sat at a side and then when I came back to it last night I was like, oh my gosh, all of the things that have sort of come to fruition in my life, or the people I've stumbled into, or these different things, I'm like it's all here, like it's a, it's all validating my experience, and my experience is validating that, and it's pretty wild.

Speaker 1:

Wow, it's so wild that even after all this time in the early days this is 2014 I was, you know, explaining to everyone what the jinkies were, because they're like oh, what are the jinkies? So I've explained this so many times and now it's.

Speaker 1:

It's rare that I have to explain it because people know about it already and it's great. But then when I do explain it, sometimes I actually wow myself. It's like not at what I'm saying, but it's like, oh my God, there's this technology on the planet right now to assist us to evolve and master the vehicles that we came here from, inherited as we came in, and they've literally, literally list every single theme that you're here to play out this lifetime and the frequency bands and the streams of consciousness that are designed to run through your reality. It's all in this system, it's all in this template.

Speaker 1:

And when you, when you and when I work with people, it's like because basically the jink keys are a wound map they're not advertised as that, but that's what they are in essence you go through the activation sequence and bring it alive, and then you go into the venous sequence and the venous sequence is basically the imprinting from the nine-month gestation period in the womb, the first, second and third seven year cycles. So physically, emotionally and mentally. And what, uh, what archetypes and themes govern those years and what the precise defense mechanisms, emotionally and mentally, that actually used in that time, that are now our unconscious defense mechanisms. It's all in this map and it's profound. It's like, oh my God, it's going to be a map that actually can take us back into ourselves, but into the places of contraction where we learnt to close our heart and what life actually catalyzed in us in order to awaken us in that sense.

Speaker 2:

Okay, will you? Will you do us all a favor and wow us like? Just pull back a little bit on the gene keys and explain for somebody who hasn't heard what it is?

Speaker 1:

This is I'm.

Speaker 2:

I'm prepared to be wowed. I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

So was my uh, that was my, that was my five planets in scorpio coming through there. This it's. It's. The gene keys are a. There's so many ways, different ways to explain this. The gene keys are a stream of consciousness that is with us now and available to all who penetrate the transmission. And in transmission I'm talking about it's like an energy transmission that, once penetrated, you start to live within a stream, and it's a stream of consciousness that will drop in insights and bring in, from the periphery of your awareness and up from the depths, the information that we require to move through our lives with more precision. And so there's 64 gene keys based on the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. Are you familiar with the I Ching?

Speaker 1:

A little bit yeah, yeah, so this was the book of changes that the masters of old used to rule the lands. It's like an oracle, and so the 64 hexagrams were born from that, and the 64 hexagrams of eaching. They actually mirror the 64 codons in our dna. So it's a, it's a reprogramming language for our genetic code. Every gene key has a shadow frequency, a gift frequency, and acidic frequency, which is s, I, double the h, I, c. That's our most enlightened state. I have a gift frequency that we're here to embody. And what if? If there's a gift on your hologenetic profile, you'll see there's three words, and they go in that order shadow, shadow, gift, city on your on people's chart when they download it and quickly pause and download it now, and then you'll know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

There's three frequency bands, and they're basically the themes that you're here to play at this lifetime, from the bottom to the top, and then they've also got these line frequencies. So there's a number, there'll be a number from 1 to 64, and then there'll be a dot and a number from 1 to 6, and they represent the six lines of the hexagrams, and so there's different frequency bands running through those lines, which give the key a flavour, but there's a whole world in those lines that is is as profound as the keys are sometimes. So when people's awareness start to to look at, even look at that map and say, oh, wow, okay, this some, some themes will be familiar, some will probably make you cringe and some will make you have a have an inner contraction, because they're basically the challenging themes that you're here to investigate and to alchemize so you can embody your greatest self in this life.

Speaker 2:

That's great. I've been using the word alchemize a lot lately because it resonates with the experience that I'm feeling. Can you talk about? Can you talk about alchemy? Like what does? What does it really mean? Do you know how it works? What's the experience like? Is that? Is that question making sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. What does it mean for you? Yeah, um.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, Are you?

Speaker 1:

are you?

Speaker 2:

ready for this? I mean, I'm just going to go, I'm just going to go here.

Speaker 1:

So my latest.

Speaker 2:

my this is just like a tangential story, and then I'll bring it back to the point. We're going to go on a little journey. Um, my latest fascination, which I'm like where is this coming from? Is Mary Magdalene, and so I got actually have the book sitting right here, this book, and I've never had this which book out of interest.

Speaker 2:

I've got several books. I have Mary Magdalene revealed. I have Magdalene mysteries they're all over the place. I have the third Jesus by Deepak Chopra. I kind of deep dive on a thing and I'm like but I, it's the, I'm like, it's all I want to do right now is do the podcast and learn about Mary Magdalene. It's just this weirdest. It's feels really weird, right.

Speaker 2:

But so I got the book because I'm getting all these little cues to just like, pull on the thread, right, and I open up the book and I just start reading the front, just like, the chapter, the index, and I don't really have, I really don't have a concept or didn't at the time of like who she is.

Speaker 2:

But upon like, just reading the chapters, I'm all of a sudden feeling waves of grief, like, like, and I've never had that experience in my life and I have no logical understanding of what's really happening. But I'm feeling grief in this moment it was about four hours one day come up and as it hits, like my heart, my center area, um, I guess, like, transform, like love. So it's like grief and then love outpouring and just this waves of this. Then I'd be like in the car, driving, like okay, I'm good, I think this is past. And then just another. I can't be in public. You know, I'm like what is this is going to ever end. But to me that, or like um, there's some, there's some anger in there too, or some like rage, that, I feel like, is I'm like where is this coming from? Is this ancestral, like what?

Speaker 1:

I don't have an understanding of it, but it's like I'm feeling it coming up sort of changing and then coming out as like light, that's uh, that's alchemy at its best.

Speaker 2:

So I've been using that word because I'm like it's the only word that makes sense for what feels like is happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah's so good that what you, what you're doing, there is, uh, it's that's like a superpower, because what you're doing there is, that's that's alchemizing through your body and through your heart. Yet, um, yeah, that's where the mind can get involved and distract us away from the actually actual feeling. Because a lot of times people, if they're in a similar situation, it's like, oh, why is this happening? And they want the why. But the mind is the why, and a lot of the times the mind is looking for the why, because, as a distraction away from the feeling, because in the late teenage years that's third seven-year cycle the mind actually gets forms, its mental defence strategies in a way, and the busier it gets all of the time, the less chance we have of feeling the actual feelings.

Speaker 1:

As you touched on very correctly, it's like a lot of the times we don't know and we don't need to know, we don't need to make a story out of what's happening, because a lot of the time, and the deeper we go and the more shadow content we own for ourselves, we're tapping into the ancestral, we're tapping into the collective and that doesn't have a story. It's too complex. It's none of our business. In a way, our job is to feel. Our job is to feel and own and account for our slice of the suffering that we all inherit. When we come in in our own different ways and as we do that, that's when we start to alchemise at a far greater level, because it's letting the body do its thing.

Speaker 1:

And, like you touched on at the start of the call, you know people fear the dark, they fear death. They've got all, we've got all these fears underneath and we're literally built as human beings to move away from anything uncomfortable. So it's tricky to actually even stay with the feeling or even get through the layers of numbness that are between us and the actual feeling, because we live in a society that is numb, like numbness is a. It's like an epidemic, but it's numbness, so it's not often, you know, it's not like anger or or sadness or grief, numbness is just numbness. It's like there's a blanket of numbness and and to get through. That's why I say that what you're doing is a superpower, because a lot of people, including myself, don't really have the capabilities to fully go into that. I've obviously journeyed into those spaces, but it's not on tap like. It is how I perceive it to be more in women, in that feminine flow and the emotion when you're riding the emotional waters deeper. We're kind of just built different.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's part of what this whole Mary Magdalene thing is. Is this like the divine feminine is? It's embodied, it's connected to the body. So I've been approaching it logically over the last several years and just the more that I'm, uh, becoming more conscious, the more that I'm just like, ah, is this my life state? Like it's all in the body. It just feels like. Now, it feels like quote, unquote common sense to me. And the more I open and release constriction, the more, the more I can just feel without judgment. And I wouldn't have known this except I was looking at my, my gene keys last night and I can't remember what number it is. But one of the shadows is the one where you're thinking too much, like you're in your mind. I don't remember what it is, and then the gift, I think, is intuition. Are those two connected?

Speaker 1:

Unease and intuition.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But it feels, it felt validating to go, oh, cause I'm also working through that outside, like you're too sensitive, you're crazy, you're overly emotional, that outside that can keep you numb or keep you in your head and and instead of going, oh, but my intuition is telling me to just let this roll, like to let this move through. But coming back to what you said about people being numb, how can we resensitize? How do you resensitize or like, reduce numbness in life and life.

Speaker 1:

First of all, realising it's there and actually admitting it is the thing. Even as a man, in my journey, numbness has been a huge part of the deconstruction and growth journey that I've been on. It's taken years to get through the layers of numbness because I I just packed it on from such an early age. Um, and part of that part of that is there's a lot of shame that can go with numbness as well, especially in relationship as a man.

Speaker 1:

Uh, in, in relationship sometimes if you don't have the feeling like if pressure is getting put on you, it's like well, how do you feel? And sometimes we don't know, or sometimes we don't have access to it under the numbness, or sometimes it's so far down and in that we can't give as men an answer like that and it puts us under pressure. But if we don't know, that can activate the shame as well. In there it's like, oh, I'm meant to be feeling something and she's putting me on the spot or he's putting me on the spot and what that will do is just drag us back up in the mind and we'll give an intellectual answer instead of what's actually happening, because we don't know yet a lot of the time.

Speaker 2:

This is so insightful.

Speaker 1:

Or it's going to be a little while before we can actually feel into what we're actually feeling, and sometimes there won't be a feeling. But being put on the spot sometimes for men is really tricky because that's where the intellect will just go. Oh, I need an answer, and then we'll answer from the mind, but it's not an embodied answer In relationship.

Speaker 2:

how could a woman approach that in a more effective way?

Speaker 1:

Leave us alone. No, but I'm a goddess, I'm called a goddess. No, that was a joke. For everyone who is overly sensitive to these sorts of things. To know that and just to understand that, and depending on your partner, you might have a very emotionally intelligent male sitting in front of you that still doesn't have the answers. Like you would have the answers. Intelligent, uh, male sitting in front of you that still doesn't have the answers. Like you would have the answers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, giving the time and space and realizing that we're all just built so remarkably different, but putting any sort of pressure or getting frustrated that we can't give you the answers sometimes that you're looking for, that you get from, maybe your, your your friends or something like that, it's it. You know there's more acceptance on both ends, because the more that you give men an opportunity to you know to have the space to express when we want to express, instead of putting pressure on, because that pressure, can you know, trigger those things and there can be shame underneath that. I lived a lot of years of that, actually, like I'd go to different therapists or or body workers and say I'm feeling a lot, I'm, you know. They'd say it's like I'm feeling a lot of anger. It's like cool, I, I've I've got nothing in me is angry right now, but you're not picking up on it. But do you know how frustrating that is for to be told that and what are you going to do about it? It's like oh, okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

I don't have access to it because it's underneath all these layers and sometimes it just needs to be accessed. It needs to be accessed through gentleness, through softness, which can be a very foreign thing for men, especially in the conditioned society that we grow up in. One of the techniques, if you're after a technique, is to touch. Loving touch is also good, but for anyone who, it's like put your hand on your heart and do you feel anything there? And a lot of the time it can be no, but then okay, can you get a heartbreak? Okay, can you.

Speaker 1:

So it's it's like just sticking to a meditation or a or an inquiry point of putting your hands on your heart and and and tuning in and seeing what feelings are there because a lot of the time there can be no feelings there at all and even coming into deeper acceptance of that. But when there's a denial of it or there's just a distraction and we just keep on moving through the world and distract ourselves and keep on numbing out through the external, we don't get to unpack those layers, we don't get to really deepen into ourselves and our inner beings, where all the magic is.

Speaker 2:

Do you feel like that? Some of my experience has been that, like just creating space for stillness and quiet. It doesn't always unearth things, but part of the numbness is the hurried, like constant movement, like we're going to keep moving but as we like slow at at least create space for feeling or for you know, I'm using the word sensual like five senses, so that's a practice that I'll do is just like what do I feel, what do I hear, what do I smell, and that's helped sort of get me out of my head and get back into just actual tactile feeling. Do you find that to be true as a man, that as you create space will show up sort of things will always show up, yeah, no matter what uh vehicle that we inhabit, uh, whether, yeah, it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

But that's where the scary point is, because that's where the unknown comes from. And as humans, we fear the unknown and we fear might, what we don't, what, what may be down underneath, even even unconsciously. So humanity, as the collective, we're just conditioned, and where life is going at this pace and to go against the grain of humanity at the collective field right now, it can be really intense. Stopping can be like I've got to practice at the moment because, like 12 times a day, I stop for three minutes and I've got a little checklist on my phone. It's like, okay, I'll do one and I'll just stop and I'll put the alarm on for three minutes and just stop everything, put my phone down, no matter how busy I am, and that can be the the the most challenging thing, because it's like, oh, just do it after this email and then I'll go to this and then this, and then, if I don't do that, I don't stop all day and I've got a motor so I can just, I can just burn all my energy and by the time the day's done, I just haven't had any time, but I mean I call them enforced pauses, that that they make me stop and when I stop I can start yawning. You know, you can, you can just have, but the mind might be going the whole time sometimes.

Speaker 1:

But then, as I practice more of these pauses, space starts to open up and then the feelings that we've denied for so long can actually start coming to the surface. Um and and that's where the beauty is that's where the insights will come from, that's not from the external, like we would. That's when we start tapping into our inner being in a deeper way. And I'm only going through that 12, three times a day thing right now because I've had a lot of organising and it keeps me in train. Yet I do like to move through the world at a slower pace, in which I don't get distracted more often because we're just so distracted.

Speaker 1:

The Taoists call the five senses the five thieves, because they take us out of our soul and we're living in a society where we're externally fixated and we're addicted to screens and we're addicted to so many different things and they limit the way that we can access our inner world. They take us away from that, they pull us, they hook our attention and they take us out. So it's really important to you know, set the boundaries on screens and you know everywhere the boundaries on screens, and you know everywhere that we're externally fixated in order to start this inner cultivation process and become more internally grounded, because that's the only way that we're going to find relief from our suffering and everything from in our lives.

Speaker 2:

You've mentioned the collective a few times.

Speaker 1:

Talk to me about the collective and what you sense and see happening right now a lot of chaos, a lot of upheaval, a lot of cracks starting to appear in the systems and structures that have always held power in that way. And you know we're going through this, this, this great change. At the moment, we're in a birthing portal or something completely new, but we don't know what that is yet like. We don't. We don't know how that looks and and you know we might get glimpses or or hope for a better world or a fairer world and and things like this yet in truth, I don't think anyone really knows what that looks like yet we're at, we're in that stage where we're in so much change and people are going through so much, so much on so many different levels, that I've really been wondering lately, like how are some people actually getting through this?

Speaker 2:

What do you mean?

Speaker 1:

I've actually been personally, I've been contemplating and being with that inner giving up, the this, this, this, this subtle texture of giving up, and it comes to me sometimes because it's like, ah, like I'll go from being super inspired and full of energy and and on my path and and focused and everything's happening, and then in some moment, generally when, when I'm having, you know, when I'm not at a fast pace and not running at that humming, at that pace, there's this texture of giving up, there's this ah, what's the point? It's like just what's the point? And for me, I was actually writing about this this morning, actually, so this is fresh and forgive me if it comes out that's great.

Speaker 1:

Because I had a lot of years early on where suicide was a realistic avenue for me and it was like this giving up because I didn't have any other answers or places to go. And I do feel there's a texture of that that comes back in to my life now. It's like what I call the remnants of that program that I ran for so long with giving up and where I'd never followed through with it. These days, the tendency to have followed through back then was a very real thing. It was only a thought form away from actually happening. Yet now, with what I've cultivated for myself and the journey that I've had, I can actually witness that within myself and go, ah, and it's like welcoming home an old friend who's just it and it's, and I can watch it and I can accept it without, without denying it. And that's where I think that, like, if people have, if people are going through a similar thing, whether this is giving up, it's, it's. It's not to deny it but allow actual space and to invest or inquire into that. Like where is it? Like where, where does that sit in your body or where did that actually first happen in this life? So there's that piece.

Speaker 1:

Personally, yet I do feel that there's a there's a part, because we're all a part of this collective energy that is on the planet like we're, we're all one at the biggest level. Yet we're all swimming in these pools of frequency and so it's got to be happening to like, if it's happening to me, it's got to be happening in other people, if it's happening in you, it's got to be happening in other people as well, because we're swimming in pools of frequency. So it's kind of like a phenomenon that I've been, yeah, just just watching. This has been for the last few months. But if I mention it to someone because I I like to talk about these things, because they really interest me, and then there'll be some kind of when I've brought it up in conversation, it's like, ah, like the person who go, oh yeah, it's like oh, like the person who goes, oh yeah it's like I've been through it, I'm not alone, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it's so, it's. I like to talk about these things and normalize talking about them, and normalize talking about our wounds and wound work and shadows, everything like that, more than talk about it. It's been repressed and suppressed and denied for so long. Yet we live in a day and age, now that we've got so much access to what's ours, to own that and life is like cheering us on to go to these depths to find the gold that resides within in order to live our most wholesome and lives that we can actually live so you said there's this threat or this like underlying feeling of giving up, and I'm just like connecting, or wanting to connect, the dots in my mind that giving up what's the use?

Speaker 2:

like to me implies that there's a hope for something that you're wondering if, like, we're going to get there, like what's the use I'm hoping for, or I'm expanding towards this, and there's doubt that that thing is going to happen, am I, is that accurate?

Speaker 1:

I guess, say it another. Can you say that another way?

Speaker 2:

like if I was like um, I'm really hoping, like I'm going to run a marathon and I'm like, I'm going to, I'm going to do this thing, I'm going to go, like I can see the end inside. I've got this, I've got this vision in my mind, I've got this idea of what's possible. I got this idea of where I'm headed. But I'm on mile 19 and I'm like I want to give up, like what's the use? I'm not, I'm not going to get there, I'm not going to make it like I want to give up. So to me, the thought or the feeling of giving up also like, inherently implies that there's, there's something that you can see, that you doubt if you can receive or get to, or something I don't know if that's I'm curious like what the hope is that you see, that you're discouraged, that you're not seeing.

Speaker 2:

Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, um, I guess I. The more that I reside in the unknown, that I reside in the unknown, there's less things to cling on to, there's less external stability. I travel a lot, so I travel the world and, you know, run events and do my work online. So I don't have a. I've got a couple of bases, but I don't have that solid certainty in a way. And I think when you don't have that amount of solidity, sometimes for me would intensify some of the feeling that I get when I'm going through big processes or I'm integrating a lot of what I've been journeying through. That's more when that feeling can arise because I've been pushing for so through. That's more when that feeling can arise because I've been pushing for so long and been going so deep for so long that there's a fragility or a tenderness under there that exposes itself rather than giving up on a goal.

Speaker 1:

Because I don't necessarily live a goal orientated existence at all. I live through intentionality, but long-term is doesn't work for me in a way.

Speaker 2:

That can't be easy. I don't want to like put that on you, but I'm like we live in a society that is so goal oriented.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and it yeah. And for me, and, I believe, a lot of people who have different parts of their template designed in this way, it's not to. We place all our bets on the future, the expectations of the mind. The mind is always looking for stability in the future and I guess what? What I'm? The clarity for me that's coming through this conversation is the more I go against that and the more I deconstruct my inner world and reside in that unknown. You know that's going against the grain. That's such a, for me, such a radical level, consistently as a practice to not know. And that's where, that's where I find these polarities that are in the darkness, that are shrouded in in in other things. They can be shrouded in activity or distraction or anything like that. Yet when, when I when the more subtle levels of consciousness, it's like everything can reveal itself, but you're not attaching to it like you probably would if you were more in the mind or you hadn't cultivated your inner world, so to speak. So it makes sense it does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm like, I'm like thinking of who might be listening to this and what they're thinking, and and so just forgive me if these questions sound kind of like well, like abrasive, but I'm like. So, if you're not living by goal and you don't have an a like an an out there intention that your mind is attached to, um, it's confronting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's confronting because if we have, it's like, yeah, we're going to get this, goals are great. Yeah, and I'm not. If you've got, if you're a goal-orientated person and you get out there getting goals and you're being successful, that's great. It's just simply not my way and I find that because and I always used to get that I really gave myself permission to live this way, because you know, a lot of the time early on it's like oh, what do you? What do you want to be in five years? And that question to me is like ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

It's like nails on a chalkboard it's like but I could never, I could never. I, I could never come up with anything. Oh, okay, I want, I want lots of money, and then you can throw these things out there. Yet are they really what existence and our greatest divine will is dictating in our lives? So for me it's a path of surrender, because life is what's best. We're just the last people to know what that is, and that's the most gritty place I've found to live, because it's surrendered.

Speaker 1:

It's like, okay, my will is, thy will, show me what the next step is. You're not going to get the long-term plan and again, this isn't going against people who have got you know, they've got the vision and they're working towards the vision. Go for gold. For me in my life, it is to completely let go of control of my life and let allow life to move through me and guide me where it wants me to be, because it's got more of an idea than me always. There's an internet that is so far outside the pay grade of our awareness that is running the show and if we're surrendered to that, that can move us around in a very easy way. Yet if we're too busy with our lives, or busy or distracting ourselves or willing life to go this way, and existence wants us over there. It's going to move us and it's going to move us in a really harsh way.

Speaker 2:

It's going to move one way or another.

Speaker 1:

You're not going to win that battle. You can resist it and you can maybe resist it and keep resisting it your whole life. You're not going to live an easy life. You're going to live a life that's going're not in the sweet spot. You're not in the sweet spot of synchronicity and the magic and the flow, because the magic is in the unknown. Yet the large portion of humanity and humans don't live in the magic because we're petrified of the unknown, because what's in the unknown, all of our fears and all of the things that we don't want to look at that's what's in the unknown. But when we start to revel in the unknown, all of our fears and all of the things that we don't want to look at, that's what's in the unknown. But when we start to revel in the unknown, every day is a mystery and it's magic and there's synchronicity and the right people show up at the right time and all of these things start to happen because we let go of the reins.

Speaker 1:

And letting go of control has been a large part of my journey. I know what it's like to control reality. I like. I know what it's like to control reality. I know what it's like to mentally control my reality. I know what it's like to control people around me, situations, so I feel more safe, and that's been one of the biggest deconstructions that I've had is control programming that I inherited, largely from ancestral, but also collective. I like to control our reality. Well, that's a program that can be deconstructed.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you said it, that we resist it, we resist it. And to me, resistance is tension and tension is constriction and all of that causes pain. Just, you think of it on like a very basic level. It's like, okay, I have tension, I'm going to lift weights. That's maybe a different kind, because it causes growth, and I suppose this path causes growth too. Like that resistance is still going to cause growth, if you want to get deep on it.

Speaker 2:

But but, so I'm living in constant tension because I'm trying to control, you know, for people that are living that life, wanting to control. And I've been there, I'm still there, at times, of course, where I really am working on in these little ways, like inviting you to be on the pod, like I'm really working on the small moments every day, surrendering to the small moments and living in flow, and it isn't easy when you can, only at least for me. I'm curious for you. I'm like I don't know where people are, like what are you going to do with a podcast? I'm like I don't know, I don't, I don't have an end goal in mind. I just know that I'm loving doing this and this is really in flow right now. So I'm going to do this and that's. It's uncomfortable to answer that question sometimes too, without, without the end in mind, when all I can see is like a step or two ahead of me. Is that your experience? That you get like just a little bit ahead of you and then that's it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you touched on a. Really. You touched on some really good points this whole episode. Yet it's it's like you know the I don't know, the shame and the I don't know. It's like if we don't know what's going on, or the and my family's used to this now because they've had enough years, and it's like where are you going going next? I don't know yet, but there used to be, because projections can come from that. It's like, well, why don't you know? And you should know. But it's the opposite, we shouldn't know so much, like giving up, our going is the whole trip.

Speaker 1:

But there can be shame that arises when we don't know and we don't have this certainty and we don't know, like we don't have this solidity around us or where we're going or what path we're actually walking. So it's an interesting thing. It's an interesting phenomenon that we live in a world that needs to know and through that knowing this leads the way Our mind leads the way and it's not where we're meant to be leading from Our heart's leading the way. We are designed to live more in the mystery, more in the unknown and to revel in the magic. And going back to that resistance piece, it's an interesting line, because a lot of the time we're just doing our thing like we're going over here and life is kind of nudging us back over here.

Speaker 1:

The only true way I've found to to to find our our, our greatest grooves and trajectories is to know our own shadow content, because our own shadow, that the our shadow content, is the thing that's driving and pulling the strings from underneath the surface of our lives. And if we don't understand what our shadows are and we've done no inner cultivation work around them, the chances are that we'll be running from those shadows and we'll be avoiding those shadows because we're built as human beings to avoid them. It's a fine line sometimes too, even what you said about lifting weights. It's interesting because life does want us to go through and have this resistance, this tensionality that is built into life and it's built into growth. I'm not saying the path is just one way. We're dancing along and everything's sweet all the time because we're still going to go through the depths in that way. But the rewards are much greater because we're in divine alignment.

Speaker 2:

I'm having this experience now in life where I'm coming up against some resistance, or I'm sensing it, with the things I'm doing or the interests that I have, and one of the sort of blessings in that to me is that I also can see, uh, the inner strength in a different way than if I, and then if I didn't have resistance to push against, if that makes sense or like it shows up and then it shows me where my strength is, or where my knowing is, where my surrender is, where my confidence is. It gives me some, it gives me a different reflection. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, okay, one thing you've touched on that I'd love to chat about is, um, I don't know if you said these words I'm sure I read them on your website but you've referenced this idea of surrender, or surrendered to existence, and the idea of co creation, like if we're going to co-create a life with the universe, with. Do you, do you say God? What do you do you say God?

Speaker 2:

Uh yeah, Existence or God, God, God goddess, yeah, yeah, I'm not, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

Uh, yeah I, I can run with that.

Speaker 2:

This universe, okay so existence God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you? Do we get a say in what this life looks like? All right, lovers, I hope that you took so much from part one of this episode. If you haven't already, this is a good time for me to remind you to hit the follow button so that when episode two comes out, it is right at the top of your queue. I'm also no newbie to cliffhangers, right After all, I do watch Outlander and I know and Bridgerton and I know that at the end of every episode leaves you with a cliffhanger and why it keeps you wanting more. So come back for more in just a couple of days. In the meantime, have a bang and day, beauties.

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