The Whole Shebang


September 06, 2023 Jen Briggs
The Whole Shebang
More Info
The Whole Shebang
Sep 06, 2023
Jen Briggs

The Whole Shebang was born after seeing patterns in my relationships, work, money, and even nature. Many of the strong people in my world have dominated in business and in life… but they’re facing burnt out, disconnection, lost passions, and in their love lives, they’re attracting passive partners, or they’ve lost that sexy sizzle altogether. 

I believe it’s because we’re functioning in part, and not in WHOLE. 

Society has championed an over-developed masculine, left-brain hustle-culture energy. We’ve shoved right-brain principals like intuition, sensuality, creativity, and playfulness, into the shadows, and it just isn’t working anymore. 

I’m inviting YOU to come along with me as I interview authors and business owners and of course chat with friends. you’ll learn new practices for everyday life, cultivate creative approaches to run conscious businesses, reignite a blaze in the bedroom, and most importantly I believe that you’ll become more and more wholly authentically you. 


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The Whole Shebang Instagram

Show Notes Transcript

The Whole Shebang was born after seeing patterns in my relationships, work, money, and even nature. Many of the strong people in my world have dominated in business and in life… but they’re facing burnt out, disconnection, lost passions, and in their love lives, they’re attracting passive partners, or they’ve lost that sexy sizzle altogether. 

I believe it’s because we’re functioning in part, and not in WHOLE. 

Society has championed an over-developed masculine, left-brain hustle-culture energy. We’ve shoved right-brain principals like intuition, sensuality, creativity, and playfulness, into the shadows, and it just isn’t working anymore. 

I’m inviting YOU to come along with me as I interview authors and business owners and of course chat with friends. you’ll learn new practices for everyday life, cultivate creative approaches to run conscious businesses, reignite a blaze in the bedroom, and most importantly I believe that you’ll become more and more wholly authentically you. 


Follow Us!
Jennifer's Instagram
The Whole Shebang Instagram

Welcome to the Whole Shebang where we explore how to reintegrate feminine energy, from the boardroom, bedroom, and beyond. I’m Jen Briggs your host. I lead a multi-million-dollar real estate organization, I’m an entrepreneur, a creative, and a mother to three incredible daughters. 

 The Whole Shebang was born after seeing patterns in my relationships, work, money, and even nature. I know I’m not alone, many of the strong women in my world have dominated in business and in life… but they’re facing burnt out, disconnection, lost passions, and in their love lives, they’re attracting passive partners (which is not what they’re looking for) or they’ve lost that sexy sizzle altogether. 

 I believe it’s because we’re functioning in part, and not in WHOLE. 

 Society has championed an over-developed masculine, left-brain hustle-culture energy… we’ve shoved feminine principals like intuition, sensuality, creativity, and playfulness, into the shadows, and it just isn’t working anymore. 

But here's what excites me, I’m seeing signs everywhere that we’re entering a new era where the feminine is rising and merging alongside the masculine. It’s what we truly need. The complete package. the Whole Shebang. 

 I’m inviting YOU to come along with me as I interview authors, business owners, and of course chat with girlfriends. you’ll learn new practices for everyday life, cultivate creative approaches to run conscious businesses, reignite a blaze in the bedroom, and most importantly I believe that you’ll become more and more wholly authentically you. 

Last thing – The first episode will drop on November 1st and then every Wednesday morning after. Make sure you hit that follow button, and please share the magic with those who should be a part of this community. And because we’re overdue for the conversation to set fire, you can help the podcast tremendously by leaving a five-star review. I am so excited to journey with you! Welcome to the Whole Shebang!